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My collie is obsessed by herding another dog

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I need some advice regarding my 6.5 month old collie please. 

He's been doing so well and I can walk with him off lead almost anywhere, he is very responsive so I can't fault him there. 

The issue I have is when we meet with my friends dogs (two collies too) and my dog is OBSESSED with the younger of them (they are all males btw), if we are throwing a ball for them he will only chase and copy the other dog, circling/ herding him and nothing can break his focus. 

I've tried all sorts...running around manic to get his attention, having his favourite toys, favourite treats, loud noises etc. NOTHING will break his focus and he just will state at this dog and constantly run just behind him (or weave Infront).

Any advice how to prevent this, and what he's doing? I'm assuming herding but it's only with this dog, and the other dog ignores him but starts growling after a while. 

It's annoying for me as I can only get him to follow me to leave with his lead on and he pulls against me to break off, then when the other dog is out of sight...he goes back to bring good as gold! 


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I'm having the same problem with my 6mo bc/gsd mix. She tries to herd my friend's 4mo pupp, Nala. It's getting better with time and exposure (I'd say it went from 100% of her attention gone when Nala was around, the first month, to now maybe 70% to Nala and 30% other things. Also at first she was mostly herding her, vs now she will mostly play and occasionally herd.

Are your dog and the one he is herding friends? I mean, do they also play or is your dog just trying to herd him for no specific reason?

My trainer told me that I had to teach my dog that herding Nala wasn't her job. Now if Nala's had enough and is trying to go somewhere without my dog, Zola (my dog) has to sit and stay until I release her. I tell her to sit, holding her collar or her leash, and I let her watch Nala "do her thing". Every time she tries to stand up I tug once and say "No" (repeat until she sits again). I only release her when she has been calm for a while (not always easy, but getting better). At first she would have so much trouble sitting and staying, would cry almost constantly and go straight back to herding Nala when released, slowly got better and better, and now she often sits, stays and watches, and goes slowly towards Nala to see/sniff what she's up to when released. 


I hope this helps you!

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On 6/17/2019 at 12:16 PM, Gillz said:


He's been doing so well and I can walk with him off lead almost anywhere, he is very responsive so I can't fault him there. 

The issue I have is when we meet with my friends dogs (two collies too) and my dog is OBSESSED with the younger of them (they are all males btw), if we are throwing a ball for them he will only chase and copy the other dog, circling/ herding him and nothing can break his focus. 

I've tried all sorts...running around manic to get his attention, having his favourite toys, favourite treats, loud noises etc. NOTHING will break his focus and he just will state at this dog and constantly run just behind him (or weave Infront).

 it's only with this dog, and the other dog ignores him but starts growling after a while. 


The short answer: keep your dog on lead around the other dog(s) and train him to recall to you no matter what. This will take some time and a lot of repetition. I'd stay away from anything right now that stimulates this chasing behavior. It's bad manners, dog to dog, when a dog warns another dog off & the offending dog doesn't pay attention to the warnings. 

There's an article, maybe by Suzanne Clothier, titles 'He Just Wants To Play'. Google it and give it a read. Solid information and some good advice, as I remember.

Ruth & Gibbs

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I agree with the above. You need to keep him on leash until you have perfected a recall and this will take a lot of time. It's worth it. But every time he gets to blow you off it undoes all your work, so don't let him off leash. I will second the recommendation of the article by Suzanne Clothier.

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On 6/28/2019 at 10:34 PM, urge to herd said:

There's an article, maybe by Suzanne Clothier, titles 'He Just Wants To Play'.

The title of the article is He Just Wants to Say Hi: https://suzanneclothier.com/article/just-wants-say-hi/

It should be required reading for every dog owner, no matter which type of behavior your dog exhibits.

p.s. Welcome to the Boards. :)

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