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USBCHA Bylaw Amendment


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At a USBCHA Board of Directors meeting on August 1st, the Directors considered a bylaw amendment proposal from the Rules Committee.

The change would affect bylaw 4.3 concerning the term length for Directors, extending it from 2 years to 3 years and imposing a two term limit (maximum six continuous year tenure for any Director).

The reason for the change is to provide more continuity on the Board. It is felt that because we are so spread out, it takes any new Director a year to get up to speed on how the board works and what the issues under consideration are, and most directors are just becoming effective when they rotate off. The term limits are to encourage more members to represent the membership on the Board of Directors.

This change will be on this year's Directors Ballots which will be mailed out to all members on August 6th. The current board voted unanimously to accept the recommendation from the Rules Committee and forward the change to the membership with a recommendation that members also vote in favour of the change.

Thank you.

Pearse Ward

District 5 Director.



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On 8/3/2018 at 4:27 AM, Pearse said:

The reason for the change is to provide more continuity on the Board. It is felt that because we are so spread out, it takes any new Director a year to get up to speed on how the board works and what the issues under consideration are, and most directors are just becoming effective when they rotate off. The term limits are to encourage more members to represent the membership on the Board of Directors.

Hey Pearse,

Has anyone brought up a downside to this change? Sounds like you still can't serve for more than 6 consecutive years and an extra year of runway will be good for directors to get up to speed.

Also, will there be snacks at the meeting in Alturas? Asking for a friend.  :D

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