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Update on the Fetching Challenge

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Gibbs is now consistently dropping his ball onto a purple towel on the floor when we play fetch inside.


Outside, he's bringing the ball quite close to me before dropping it. Soon I'll take the purple towel outside and see if he can make the transition to dropping the ball on the towel outside.


Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the encouragement and ideas. What an awesome crowd we are!


Ruth and SuperGibbs

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Happy Dance, Happy Dance!!! Did a little warm up with the purple towel on the floor in the living room. Went outside - the concept translated without the towel!!!!


I feel like a good owner again :D. I've always been embarrassed at the dog park when all the other dogs and humans are playing fetch - slobbery balls flung at the human's feet, then thrown into the air again whilst the dog races obligingly after it. I'd make excuses as I trudged after the ball, time and time again. Soon to be embarrassed no more.


I'm aware that taking this show on the road, so to speak, is another learning curve. But oooohhh, I can see the day when I'll be able to throw that damn ball anywhere and have it returned to me by my smart, athletic, gorgeous boy.


I am totally blissed out. If Gibbs weren't allergic to dairy products he'd be getting an ice cream cone. :wub:B):P


Ruth and SuperDuperGibbs

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Well done...!! I have my own bit of re training to do. I've been playing frisbee and ball with both dogs at the same time and Tio (the older dog) has developed a bad habit of laying down mid way on his return back to me..... always some new weird hurdle..haha.

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I've always been embarrassed at the dog park when all the other dogs and humans are playing fetch - slobbery balls flung at the human's feet, then thrown into the air again whilst the dog races obligingly after it.

That's not embarresment; I have a foster who drops the slobbery ball in random people's laps. He is firmly of the opinion that if you are at the dog park, you obviously came there not to sit and enjoy the view, but to throw his ball.

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John, I agree with your foster on this one. Proper activities at the dog park include throwing the ball for any dog willing to gift you with it!


All you SuperGibbs fans out there, if one of you will agree to receive an email from me with pix attached and then post it, we'll go public. The website doesn't allow me to post attachments or copy/quote, etc. Silly technology.


It will be a faithful recreation, not the original event of the Collection of ALLL the Toys.


Ruth and SuperGibbs

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Just wanted to say I can so empathize with the fetching issues and it's exciting to hear how Gibbs is picking it up! I started flyball with Kieran in April and I thought, "No way, this isn't going to work" because he wouldn't even look at any ball. Well, he just did a full run last week - hurdles, box turn, ball, and all. Proved me wrong. I always felt like a bad dog owner because fetching came so naturally to everyone else's dogs.

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