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Are the cattle BC's (cow dogs) getting noticeably bigger than sheep BC's?

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I was looking at some of the cow dog breeders' websites the other day and was noticing that they were all breeding for big, heavy boned, fearless, hard biting dogs. I saw males up to 60 lbs and females up to 50 lbs. And I wasn't see upcoming litters where there was a mismatch in size between parents. It was big with big.


For someone like me who prefers a smaller dog (30 - 35 lbs,), I don't think I could hope to find a pup out of any of those cattle lines/cow dog breeders that be that small.


So I started perusing sites of some sheep dog breeders, looking to compare sizes in general. I wasn't able to make an easy comparison, though, because unlike the cow breeders, the sheep dog breeders don't emphasize weight at all. So I had to measure using the always reliable eyeball test. And my findings are that, indeed, the cow dog is bigger on average than the sheep dog, and he's more uniform in size as well.


I think I'll be going the sheep dog route for my next pup.

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Some are bigger and heavier boned. But I haven't noticed it being across the board. My cattle bred dog looks like a greyhound border collie cross. She weighs about 30 pounds. Actually all of my pure sheepdog bloodlines, including an import from Wales, are bigger than my cow dog. Heavier boned and heavier in overall weight. I really don't pay attention to size though. I'm more interested in working ability.

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I just competed at a cdt. And the size factor ran the gamut. But nothing was less than 40 pounds. Frail and light boned is not a good thing in a working dog.


Also the dogs I saw, the majority had pace and feel and only used their bite if necessary. .


However the crowd was rowdy. And they hugged.

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All, no. There is plenty of diversity in size and also the breeders focus as to how they expect the dog to work. We have many in the 30 lb range. Our largest dog is actually one we bought, lines more recognized on the sheepdog side then cattledog side.

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