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I am surprised that NY state (and CA) did not already allow dogs in outdoor dining areas. Here in VA, which I consider a rather 'backwards' state (except for the area around DC), they have always been allowed in outdoor dining areas - if the restaurant permits.

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I too am surprised about California. I live in the San Francisco Bay area, and dogs with their owners in cafe patio areas has been a common sight here for years - and not just assistance dogs.

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Dogs are allowed in all outdoor eating establishments here, including bars, unless of course it is an enclosed patio situation in which one has to go through the restaurant to get to it. Because of our climate, lots of places have outdoor seating here and you often will see dogs.

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As I feel my dogs are better behaved than many of the children I have come across in restaurants of late, I am in favor of well behaved dogs (and children) being allowed in most public places. Those that are rude, obnoxious and or disruptive, should be asked to leave. And that goes for the dogs as well....... <_<

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I am not sure if they are allowed or not. some places have signs but I know if it is not crowded dogs can be brought into outdoor dining areas if well behaved. I don't know why not. Mine have been better behaved than most kids I see in places. My dogs have never gone to someone's table and stared at their meal, while I have sheen parents allow their children do such.

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