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Itchy Winter Skin

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Billy has been itching and scratching since we got him. No fleas. The vet said it could be because of the worms and treatments. When they are gone he will improve. He got his last dewormer Friday the 20th. Haven't seen any his his stools. His coat is dull and dry. He had drandruff when we got him. That's gone but the scratching hasn't. I am feeding him Wellness Core Grain Free puppy and Evangers Canned Organics. Plus adding come coconut oil to his food. I am calling the vet this morning to see if there's anything she can do. He must be miserable. I know my skin is really dry with the cold from outside and the heat from inside.

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Thanks. I thought of that after I posted. I'm going to get some today when I go to the pet store. I think I'm going to try out Taste of the Wild too. I wanted to get that when I got the Wellness but they were out of the Puppy forumulas. Will this brutal cold ever end?

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+1 for fish oil! Couldn't recommend it more. I bought mine in a pharmacy for human consumption.

It did wonders for dandruff with Kali, and it helped Freya regain her coat after having puppies at the puppy mill she was bred in. Her coat came back five times more shiny and smooth then it was before she lost it.

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I would actually recommend you go and buy oil for human consumption, not the pet store one. No need to pay more for the same, if not worse, thing. And by fish oil, I mean the pure Oleum jecoris (cod fish liver oil) with enough EPA in it.

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With cod liver oil you have to watch for Vit. A toxicity. I'm not sure exactly how much you'd need to use for it to be a problem, but liver is high in Vit. A. Just something to be aware of. And fish body oils from sardine, anchovy, herring and/or salmon are good sources of EPA/DHA, both of which are important, not just EPA.


The oil you can buy in bottles is usually going to be more cost effective than the capsules, so it might make sense to buy it at the pet store that way. I get my Grizzly salmon oil on Amazon.com.


Why would you not have to give Vit. E with the Grizzly? AFAIK you still do. I give it anyway.

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I used to use Grizzly Salmon Oil. The pump was handy and I didn't mind paying more for that convenience.


I did also supplement with Vitamin E. I got the stuff at the pharmacy that comes out in drops, and is labeled for human consumption.

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