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Mac has never had a problem with being Mr growlypants at dinner time but I'm just reinforcing his belief that I'm not there to steal his food. I start off by holding the bowl out for him so he can have a little then I place it on the floor for him to have a good go at while I stroke him and then I get a little in my hand so he can eat it out of my hand. I started doing this when he was a pup to stop any resource guarding from the beginning it's just re-enforcement.


The bubbles are a wonderful Idea I'm just trying to find some that are either already here in NZ or are shipable to NZ. No luck so far but if any one knows of a place please let me know.


Thanks for the tips on dealing with the knots behind his ears I'm going to be working on that this weekend. Thanks again everybody.

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The bubbles are a wonderful Idea I'm just trying to find some that are either already here in NZ or are shipable to NZ. No luck so far but if any one knows of a place please let me know.



Try ebay or amazon.


I've not tried blowing bubbles for my dogs, so can't comment more but I would imagine they would enjoy it as long as the bubbles aren't too sticky (or toxic).

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Reading between the lines, you may be making too much of a big deal about meal time and treats. I've never seen the need to stick my hands in food bowls just because. I put the bowl on the ground and walk away. Sometimes, I give treats no strings attached, other times, one behavior earns a treat. If you are hovering over the dog while it eats or making direct eye contact, the dog may find this threatening.


Personally, I don't like having people put their hands on my plate and watch me and touch me when I eat and i have no reason to believe that my dogs are any different.

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I'm really pleased to hear this about routines I keep Mac's routines up because it seemed to be the accepted way to raise a pup, this is my first ever pup. I'm actually much happier not having a routine for the dog as such just maintain consistency with Mac. I know he expects his routines now so I'll be easing him out of them.


I did swap out his milk with a 90% water milk mix I'll do that for a few days then go to water completely and we didn't have Mr. Growly pants this morning either there was no indoor treat I let him run around outside and made him work for his outdoor treat. I'd like to say it worked a treat but the pun is too much :)


Generally Mac gets a few bits through the day and his main meal after ours in the evening but the vet did say dogs like most of us like a few treats or some food first thing in the morning to get everything working. I guess it makes sense after all I like breakfast. Any thoughts ?


Incidentally the behaviourist is a follower of the positive reinforcement method of training so no punitive training methods at all.She also does agility and obedience with her own BC's so I'm pretty confident if I have to involve her I'll get good advice.



I quit reading right here. My dogs all get two good meals a day: breakfast at 8 and dinner at 5 30 or so. I've always thought that feeding once a day just makes food too big a deal, encouraging anticipatory adrenalin dumps, sharking around waiting, and most annoying, dog to dog sniping about who gets too close to who while they assume bowl positions because they're all just so losing-it hungry. I 'd advise you to feed two meals because I think you 're seeing some resource guarding - he 's really hungry, he knows that's all he's getting in the morning, and you're maybe holding it out "at" him which is making him want to own it and get it away from you since you've made its value so high. So he's telling you to stay sway from it before he actually has it. That 's why he retreats with it asap. By me, that 's not a behaviour issue to correct; it's more a handler error you can fix.

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I am not much of a fan of purposefully intruding on an animal's meal. I would snap your fingers off if you did it to me. I do hang around, when they're puppies, as they eat and sometimes ruffle the tops of their heads just to get them used to having someone near. I make a big deal of the meal preparation - I purposefully get them excited that food is coming - and I manage that time with them carefully - they must be polite and well mannered and patient. I am in charge of giving it to them. Once I give it to them, it is theirs and theirs alone.


I am not bothered by a little resource guarding. It seems a very natural instinct. I don't allow biting under any circumstance - but I am not bothered overmuch by growls intended to communicate a fair warning. I often put my dogs in choice situations where the only way to signify "no" is to growl or bite the air near my hands.


As I have never had a situation between my dogs with resource guarding and I do not allow them to be molested by anyone or anything while they eat, it's never been an issue. Since I am in full charge of when and what they eat, I am also in charge of where and under what circumstances - that is enough to safeguard any wandering children or demented oldsters who might want to grab a handful of kibble.


This is very different from the matter of toys - which I handle VERY differently - I do take their toys from them - I do insist they give them to me and I do condition them to be safe around people who are silly enough to try and take something from an animal with that many visible teeth :)


I also would advise against trying too hard to set up dominance/prevent resource guarding by way of messing with him/his food while he eats. YMMV, of course :)

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Me three. I super think a dog 's meal is his. I don't like anyone poking my food either. I don 't even know for sure which of my dogs would react if a stranger hassled their bowl ... maybe all of them. But meals are supervised away from too much commotion and I pick up the bowls so nobody visits their neighbour's. I have no problem with that. And yes, trading up is for toys and anything else; a whole different issue.

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Yep your probably right I've quit the antics around feeding time although the only reason I did it in the first place was I read it some where (my first dog it's all new). He's getting fed in the mornings now and in the evenings same amount just spread throughout the two meals. The whole thing is much more relaxed.


As we are currently enjoying really good weather here we go out for an hour or so to play with his collection of balls and a tennis racquet (too hard on the shoulder to heave them for an hour). By the time he's been walked then played I have a very tired doggy. Currently he's under the pool table flat on his back with his legs in the air :)

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