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tick bite/abcess?


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We haven't had ticks in this area..but it seems they have moved farther north this year. A day ago, I noticed a lump above Spark's eye. There didn't appear to be any ticks and a couple of days before, he and Flint had a really nasty fight. Today, there is definitely a deep red mark that is quite visible. I've cleaned it and applied polysporin - I have Friday off, so I'll likely take him to the vet just as a precaution.

Do tick bites abcess?...


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It is rare, but they can. We used to have a client that had a dog that every tick bite abcessed. I can't remember for sure, but I think he had an allergy to tick bites. The timing is not off for it to have been because of the fight either. You can usually tell if it is a tick bite versus something else because a tick bite has that core that resists coming out, not like a normal scab. They also usually lose hair around a tick bite.

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