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Name Game. Which do you like best?

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My puppy gets to come home with me on August 18th. I get to visit him sometime this week, probably Friday. I'm so excited. I'm trying to amuse myself by picking out a name for him. So here are the one's I've narrowed it down to and I wanted to get everyone's opinion of what you like. He's a male.

Here are some photos of him:


Here are the names:
Aidan (alternative spelling, Aden): Irish in origin, means "little fire"
Asher: name from the Bible, means "happy"
Cailean: Scottish in origin, means "pup" (appropriate, right?)
Fable: this one wasn't an early favorite, but it keeps growing on me.
Skylar: means "scholar", thought it was appropriate for a BC
Nova: this one came to me since he's mostly black

Two of my early favorites were:
Captain Jack Sparrow: from Pirates of the Carribean (favorite movies) I would call him Jack.
Rochester: from Jane Eyre. (call name: Rocky)

These last two aren't exactly out of the running, but some of the other names are appealing to me more now.

So what do you all think?

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I like Captain Jack, mostly because Pirates of the Caribbean is a fave of mine too, I know an Aidan. I think Asher would be hard to call out with any volume without sounding like something else. Fable, Skylar, and Nova seem like female names to me, but that's largely because I know/knew both a Skylar and a Nova, both females.



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Thanks everyone! Almost all of my facebook friend liked Asher. I was kind of surprised because it's a bit of an odd name, but it's actually the first name I picked out. So maybe that's a sign?

Fable is also growing on me more and more. It wasn't one of my top name at first.

Someone else mentioned that I might not want to do Nova since it sounds like "no". I try not to use the word no when training but I know that sometimes I'll mess up and say it and I can't trust other people not to use it.


I do like Captain Jack Sparrow a lot, but I too know many Jacks (none of whom I like very much, so there's that), and I'm not sure about calling him Cap.

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Yeah, I knew about Winston Cap which is kind of one of the reasons I'm not sure about calling my pup Cap. If you're familiar with Border Collies Cap instantly makes you think about Winston Cap, and there are many other dogs named Cap, too. I kind of like odd names that aren't that common, which is also one of the reasons I'm on the fence about Jack, too. I like to be different, haha.

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One thing I've found is that no matter how original a name seems, someone else has also probably thought of it (unless the name you choose is really odd). But in the end, it sounds like you've settled on a couple you really like, so choose one and carry on!


BTW, I like the name Asher--I just think if you have to call it out loudly, it might be mistaken for Ass(er), which is why I wouldn't choose it. I love the name Thistle, but then my sister pointed out to me that I'd likely sound like Daffy Duck if I tried yelling the name for a recall or out on the trial field for whatever reason. :D



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BTW, I like the name Asher--I just think if you have to call it out loudly, it might be mistaken for Ass(er), which is why I wouldn't choose it.


Totally agree^^^. Same thinking goes for names with "no' in them, names ending in "...uck", etc.



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