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Ideas re: seizing leg?


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Background: 30 lb, 17.5 year old sheltie mix (adopted from local pound when she was 3.5 years old. Medical history has been unremarkable - one UTI about a year ago and her teeth have been cleaned several times because they get tartar build-up rapidly. They currently need cleaning. Her main issue over the years has been high anxiety, noise sensitivity and the resulting stress.


Today, we were walking (free range), and she stops and starts chewing at her left rear leg. Then she spins in circles while her left rear is kicking out behind her. Also, some whining and panting is noticed (because she is freaked out by what is happening to her leg? or maybe some pain?) This goes on about 5 minutes. She decides that she is going HOME and takes off running. :) I couldn't find anything between her pads or anywhere on her leg. The same behavior continues for about 10-15 minutes once inside the house, then begins to subside-slowly.


She is calmer now and the symptoms are weaker, but when she walks, she will pick up that back left leg a little higher and occasionally kick it out a couple of times.


The vet was totally booked today and for tomorrow too, but I am on a waiting list for tomorrow. I am not sure if they will have any insights since she may be totally 'normal', and they may not be able to see her symptoms.


I am thinking a small seizure? Anybody have any ideas? Ruminations are welcome.


Thanks in advance,


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Julie - Good idea about the video. I will try to be ready if/when she does it again.


She has never had knee problems before. She was biting at the top of her paw. When I separated her pads to look at them, she did not seem sensitive.


Good suggestions. Thank you.



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No chance that she stepped on a wasp that stung her? Maybe I'm grasping at straws but that would be something that should readily resolve itself within a few days at most.


Hope you get it figured out and can relieve her!

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Thank you for all your suggestions. Ritz was back to normal by late afternoon.


We were walking in a grass field that is mowed several times in spring, summer and fall. The previous night's temp had been around 20 degrees, and at the time of the walk, the temp was about 35 degrees. Although I think that the possibility of a stinging insect or stinging plant is low, I won't discount it and will keep it in the back of my mind for future reference.


I have decided to cancel my waitlist position at the vets since the symptoms have disappeared and am not sure what they could do other than a blood sample ($$). I will be taking my camera (which can take video) with me on my walk today in case she experiences her symptoms again.


Thanks again,


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I'm not sure it was stinging nettles down in AR but there was a tiny innocent plant in my front yard. I went out barefoot right after we moved there and stepped in it. Never went barefoot again. Hurt all the way up to my knee. It was a tiny leafed plant. could be?

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I'm not sure it was stinging nettles down in AR but there was a tiny innocent plant in my front yard. I went out barefoot right after we moved there and stepped in it. Never went barefoot again. Hurt all the way up to my knee. It was a tiny leafed plant. could be?


I wouldn't discount some sort of evil little plant. The field previously grazed cattle (overgrazed), and now the cattle are off. What has grown up is mostly grasses, but other plants are mixed in. All are volunteers (i.e. the field has not been specifically seeded for grass).



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