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Bonk and Clonk

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I'm so excited that my friend Krisk is getting a puppy. We met on these boards many years ago and we have developed a friendship based on our love of dogs, bcs in particular.


Krisk has selected a pup from a litter that lives not too far from me. I've been on 2 trips to cuddle the puppies and I've been enjoying watching Krisk hum and haw and to and fro over which one to pick. They are all outstanding pups and very evenly matched.The pup she picked is very outgoing and very interested in people. A real whizbang little dog already at 6 weeks old. I love watching him think things thru and then plunge right in.


I havent had as much trouble because each time, a little female has picked me. She's made lots of eye contact and comes right to me and interacts with me. I needed some time to decide if a new pup was in my future. This pretty girl does bear a resemblance to my beloved Tex but she will have a personality all her own.


I'm happy to announce that Krisk and I will be raising litter mates together, altho we live many miles apart.


They need names but for now I'm calling them Bonk and Clonk!

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Yes, I expect Jo & I will be having many stories to trade :) The pups were only a little over 4 weeks old when I met them and such little characters they were! Puppy 3 (not sure if it's Clonk or Bonk) :) picked me as well. The next day, it was 5 & 3 who greeted me...thus my dilemma. I am delighted with my choice and can't wait to get him home for the antics to begin! In the meantime..I think I'll catch up on some sleep :D

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Please don't start a puppyitis epidemic. I am prone to getting infected very easily. Thank you.



It might be too late. I am easily infected as well and am already turning green with envy and wantwantwant a puppy!

Congratulations! I hope we hear a lot more about the raising of your littermates. I have a lot to learn from everyone for when I do get my puppy.


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I am easily infected as well and am already turning green with envy


That's not envy that's part of the disease!

Congrats on both Bonk and Clonk....can't wait to see them grow and hear their stories!


I am so enjoying my puppy days. They are going so fast. What joy a puppy brings into an old household. The smiles that I have been enjoying are the best. Can't wait to hear about yours!


What a cute pair they are!

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