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Breeders in/near FL


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I'm in the market for a working bred pup as an agility prospect. I am happy to sign a spay-neuter contract.


Is anyone aware of any current/ planned litters in or around FL? If the litter is already on the ground, I could meet the breeder/pup at the trial in Branford, FL in mid Feb.


Thank you.

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I know of at least one person going who has pups on the ground now. I think they're about 4 weeks old. I don't know what the breeder's philosophy is about selling to non-working homes, but I can ask if you're interested.


Paula may know of breeders in Florida, but a lot of folks from other parts of the country travel to FL for those trials so it might be worth your while just to go to the trial and talk to folks (in other words, don't limit yourself to just FL breeders since there will be others there as well).



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The ideal situation would be making contact with someone now and meeting them/the pup at the trial and taking the pup home at that time. I'm not sure if this is realistic.


The trial is unfortunately in the middle of the week, which means taking a vacation day. I'd prefer not to use vacation days so early in the year without a definate contact(s), but it may be worth going no matter what.


Nonetheless, I'd appreciate any leads.


I know of at least one person going who has pups on the ground now. I think they're about 4 weeks old. I don't know what the breeder's philosophy is about selling to non-working homes, but I can ask if you're interested.


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It may not be realistic. There's a lot of logistics involved and the pup would have to be the perfect age the week of the trial, etc.


I have contacted my friend and asked if she'd consider a sport home. The thing is that I'm not sure her pups would be old enough to go to a new home by the time of that trial.



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Sorry, I don't know of any right now. I do know someone planning a breeding, but I wouldn't exactly call it a working bred litter, though the dogs are nice, and pups from the last breeding (it's a repeat) DO work. Just not USBCHA work.


My trainer just bred a litter last year, so I know she won't be doing any breeding this year. I agree with the suggestion to go to the trial and talk to people, you never know what you may come across.

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