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uspset stomach


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When my dogs have upset stomachs, I just don't feed them for a day. They probably won't miss it, anyhow.


Then the following day, I'll start them with cooked rice and a bit of cooked chicken. A dollop of canned pure pumpkin is good, too. If they're still urpy, I may have them go another 12 hours with no food, then try a serving of rice with chicken again. Plain or vanilla yogurt is also good. I'll sort of ease back into their regular food over a period of two or three days, if it's a severe upset.


If there's a lot of diarrhea, ask your vet about getting some metronidazole, as it could be a bacterial upset. But if it's just something s/he ate, fasting followed by bland food for two or three days should do it. Best of luck! :)


~ Gloria

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Kit was on Pepto initially along with Pepcid when she was vomiting. IIRC a tblspn every 8 hours for stomach upset. After her surgery she was given a scrip for metaclopramide to prevent the severe nausea and vomiting and she continued on the pepcid for a few days. As always, I advise checking with your vet before administering anything. I hope Skittles (and you ) are feeling better fast.

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Thanks, all. He seems better this morning. He wasn't vomiting and no diarrhea (that I saw). But, he was obviously in a lot of discomfort. He was licking the floor, windows, boxes, anything he could get his tongue on. And he was not acting normal. He slept curled up against Steve last night (not his usual sleeping position), but is acting OK this AM and ate his breakfast. If he were vomiting, then I probably would have fasted him for a day. But, so far, so good. Thanks for all the suggestions.

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