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Brenham, Texas - October 8 & 9 2011

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I'll be returning to Brenham Texas on October 8 & 9 2011 for a stockdog clinic. I'll focus on training and handling dogs for practical work in the real world. I'll also be working with people to help them develop better stockmanship skills.

Please contact Terri Carver for details: terri@maximumaussies.com

Or visit: http://www.maximumau...s---Trials.html

As Always,

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Only a couple open spots left. We'll be working cattle and sheep (heavy to light). Several different working areas - Fields are from 80 x 150 to 20 acre pastures with a tank, trees, and hilly terrain.


Please contact Terri Carver for details: tmhill71@hotmail.com


As Always,


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