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August 19 - 20 - 21, 2011




Maple Hill Farms

8999 Fairmount Rd., Novelty, Ohio 44072


8:30 A.M. EACH DAY


CLINIC: $200 – per dog/handler for two day seminar (Sat/Sun). If sufficient interest is generated, a three day seminar (Fri/Sat/Sun) will be offered at $285 – per dog/handler. The third day can be an extension of the first two days, a shedding clinic, perhaps a trial format or any combination the participants want or need. Auditing is unlimited at $50 per day, per person.

LUNCH: Will be provided. Please specify if you are a carnivore or vegetarian. A variety of cold beverages will be provided also.


All dogs must be kept QUIET, on leash or crated when not working in class.


Bring a comfortable folding chair for each person attending.




Bill or Elaine Blaschke; 8999 Fairmount Rd., Novelty, Ohio 44072

BBlaschke@aol.com or EBlaschke@aol.com

Home/Bus: 440-338-6301 Bill's cell: 216-218-8890

Elaine's cell: 440-533-1878 All of these numbers have voice mail. So if

no answer, leave a message with a number so we can return your call.


We have a large variety of sheep that can be used to train your dog. This would include adult rams, ewes w/lambs at side and yearling rams and ewes (limitedly chickens and turkeys). We also offer the ability to train your dog in herding and penning on farm terrain ranging from open fields, woods, trails, streams, gullies and obstacles to test your dog.

Our facilities include a 50' diameter round pen, a 32' X 48' rectangular pen, a 187’ X 288' paddock, a 2-1/2 acre paddock and a 25-acre pasture.



We do have limited parking for travel trailers or motor homes and can offer 115-volt electrical service and water. There will be a $10 per day charge for electric and water. Bring your own hoses and cords. We do not have septic service so your units must be self-contained.


If you are from out of town and need a place to stay, there are several motels with in 25 minutes from the farm. They are north of the farm on Route 306 in Willoughby, Ohio at the intersection of rtes I-90 and 306.


They include:

Red Roof Inn, no extra charge for pets, phone # 440-946-9872

Days Inn, $15 per dog, per day charge, phone # 440-946-0500

America's Best Value Inn, $15 per dog, per day charge, phone # 440-953-8835




Jack Knox is a renowned breeder, handler, trainer and trial judge making him a household name in the world of the working Border Collies. He has been training and running dogs his whole life and is an extremely popular, accomplished and well respected clinician. Jack has helped both novice and experienced handlers to improve upon and fine-tune their training and handling skills. He emigrated from Scotland to the United States in 1971. He initially lived in North Carolina for three years but now lives in Butler, Missouri with his wife and daughter. Jack has trialed heavily from the mid seventies to eighties and started teaching herding clinics in 1979. Jack is constantly learning and feels that //his training methods have evolved over time. He has placed in and won numerous trials, including USBCHA National Finals. Jack is in the ABCA Hall Of Fame.




From the North: Get off I-90, coming from either the west or east, at exit #193 (Kirtland/Mentor) and head south on rte. 306, aka Chillicothe Rd. Continue south thru the towns of Kirtland and then Chesterland. Fairmount Rd. is the second crossroad south of Chesterland and crosses rte. 306. Turn left onto Fairmount from rte. 306 and head east one, (1) mile to the farm. The farm is on your right, on the south side of the road. From exit #193 to the farm is twelve, (12) miles and will take about 21 minutes to drive.


From the South: Exit rte. 422, coming from either the west or east at the Aurora/S. Russell-Chagrin Rd./Bainbridge Rd. exit. There is no exit number. Head north onto rte. 306. You will cross E. Washington St., Bell Rd., Music St., and rte. 87, aka Kinsman Rd. Fairmount crosses rte. 306 and is the second crossroad north of rte. 87. Turn right onto Fairmount from rte. 306 and head east one, (1) mile to the farm. The farm is on your right, on the south side of the road. From the rte. 422/rte. 306 exit to the farm is 7.2 miles and will take about 12 minutes to drive.


From the West/Chagrin Falls area: From downtown Chagrin Falls, take E. Orange St. east to North St. and bear to the left. North St. turns into Russell Rd. and then dead ends into rte. 87, (Kinsman Rd.). Turn right and head east to rte. 306. Turn left onto rte. 306 and head north. Fairmount crosses rte. 306 and is the second crossroad north of rte. 87. Turn right onto Fairmount from rte. 306 and head east one, (1) mile to the farm. The farm is on your right, on the south side of the road. From the center of Chagrin Falls to the farm is 6.75 miles and will take about 12 minutes to drive.


From the East: Leave the town square of Burton, Ohio and head west on rte. 87, (Kinsman Rd.) You will cross rte. 44 and Auburn Rd. Continue to rte. 306 and turn right and head north. Fairmount crosses rte. 306 and is the second crossroad north of rte. 87. Turn right onto Fairmount from rte. 306 and head east one, (1) mile to the farm. The farm is on your right, on the south side of the road. From Burton Square to the farm is eleven, (11) miles and will take about 15 minutes to drive.









Signature at bottom required


HANDLER NAME: ____________________________________________

ADDRESS, CITY & STATE: _______________________________________________

PHONE: ______________________ E-MAIL : ________________________@______


CLINIC: Sat/Sun, August 19-20-21,2011_______ Number of Dogs ______________

Breed(s) of dog(s): _____________________________________________________

Dog’s name: __________________________________________________________

AUDITING: Fri/Sat/Sun for days (how many day/people) _____________________


Entries close August 10, 2011. Payment in full must be made in advance to hold your spot.


Checks payable to: Maple Hill Farms

Refunds are possible only if the seminar is filled to capacity and there is someone else to fill the slot. You are welcome to resell your slot with timely notification.


In consideration that I will be participating in the Jack Knox Stock Dog Clinic and private lessons sponsored by Maple Hill Farms, div. Geauga Drilling and Supply Co., Inc. and held at Maple Hill Farms in Novelty, Ohio on August 19-20-21, 2011, I do hereby agree that in the event of personal injury or death and/or damage to my property or animals in my control, I will not hold Jack Knox & family, the hosts & their family, their members, or workers responsible. I will pay for livestock injured or killed during my participation at the clinic.


Signature: ____________________________________ Date: __________


I will be having lunch: yes no (circle one)

How many having lunch? ___________________ total


Vegetarian: yes no (circle one)

How many are vegetarian? __________________ total


Non-vegetarian: yes no (circle one)

How many are non-vegetarian? ______________ total

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