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Road Trip to Arizona

Debbie Meier

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I think that it is time to schedule that appointment with the Doc to have my head examined...


I'm really thinking about making a trip to Arizona for the cattledog and sheepdog trials in January. The plan is to rent a economy car and take Jake and Ricky, just me and the two boys.


Has anyone had any expirence with the climate change and how it would effect my dogs?



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The schedule says Meyer, AZ, I was told 45 minutes to an hour north of Pheonix.


If it's not too hot the number of runs should give me some handling expirence, running Jake open cattle & sheep and Ricky nursery sheep and cattle and maybe open cattle. I'm a bit worried about the heat potential.


Jan 15, 16, 17 6/o - 3/n Winter Classic CDT Meyer, AZ Molly Wisecarver .928-499-9263. Molly@Miconconstruction.com


Jan 15, 16, 17 6/o - 3/n Winter Classic SDT Mayer, AZ Molly Wisecarver .928-499-9263. Molly@Miconconstruction.com

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Molly's place is in my neck of the woods (about 30 miles east of me). We're in the central mountains of AZ nearly a mile in elevation so excessive heat shouldn't be a factor. You can plan for temps from anywhere to the 40's--60's during the day in most instances, but snow is also not uncommon around here. In fact should expect some in the next few days. I'd love to come watch some of the these trials.


ETA: I would think the elevation change would have a greater impact, but maybe dogs aren't as affected as people.

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Thanks Jodi, I just had a friend offer to let me stay in their winter home which is about an hour south of the trial site (I think), they are not going down this winter. It's tempting to take them up on it,rent the car for a few extra days and leave early. Wayne would kill me...he's still planning on getting 20 bucket calves in sometime in the near future...it was suppose to be this week but now it may not be until mid January.

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I'd have to agree with the fact that the elevation change (not sure where you are coming from)would be the greatest factor not the weather. I used to live in Phoenix, and speaking from experience taking my dog up to Payson to a flyball tournament, it wasn't the heat we worried about, but the elevation change. You could definitely see after a race the dogs from the Valley were affected. I wish I could head down for the trials in AZ! I need to get out of the cold snowy weather in Northern Idaho!!! :P

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Thanks everyone, we are going to see how the next few weeks play out and I have to see how Wayne deals with the prospect of this little "vacation" as it draws closer. I am suppose to be going to a trial down in Arkansas on the 1st and another over by Council Bluffs the following week but I can't do those and Arizona both.


So, I'm kinda thinking that I should plan for AZ as a back up in the case that I can't travel for the other two trials along with how thing are here. Last year I ended up getting snowed in here for near a week, just me the dogs and the livestock, it would not be a pleasent trip if Wayne was left here dealing with that type of situation, my phone would be burning up.


He wants to support it and was all for it yesterday, last evening he was sounding less supportive.



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