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Female or Male?

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Hello Everyone!


I am new to the boards, so I might not know how to search around properly yet... but I was looking for topics on wether to have a female/male in the house or female/female.


Right now I have a female bc and I am getting a puppy. Is it better to get a male puppy or is it okay to have 2 bitches living together? I know some people prefer to only have females or only males, but is there problems that can arise in having the same sex? I don't want them to have competition or fight. I was really hoping to get a baby girl.


I anticipate your response!

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While lots of folks may say they have two (or more) males or two (or more) females who get along fine, generally speaking, life is just easier with a female and a male--both spayed/neutered, of course,


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If it's one pup/dog only, pick whatever one "speaks" to you regardless of gender.


I know folks who have nothing but females (happily) and those who prefer males, and those that have both. Whatever you like best is what counts.


Females tend to mature a bit earlier - but you could guess that!

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If you want to avoid the possibility of bitch-bitch, er, bitchiness, then definitely go with the opposite gender. I was one of those people who preferred females and I have a bunch of them, but the headbutting/snarkiness between bitches does get old. I still gravitate to females, but I have to say my happy-go-lucky males are a lovely counterpoint to the females who don't get along.


That said, I also agree with Sue that if you absolutely fall in love with a female pup, then seriously consider getting her. Females who don't get along can be managed (I know, I have several). But if you're open to either gender, then consider a male if you want the best chance of avoiding inter-dog conflict.



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I have a female and a male and they get on great together. However, the litter that I got Devon from only had one female and she was spoken for. So I knew I was going to get a male. And honestly, I couldn't be more pleased with the way they get along. (Oh, and they are both fixed.)


My mom has two females (spayed)who 90% of the time get along great. But the younger one is quite dominant and they raise lips at each other from time to time.


I agree with the others. Pick the pup that you gravitate to regardless of gender.

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I would have to agree with the male/female thing being the easiest. But then I throw in my only male and he's the jerk, so I really think there's a lot to do with the personality of the particular dog.


That being said, I have 3 females and there is some bitchiness going on between 2 particular females, nothing that can't be easily managed.


My 2 old bitches (spayed of course) are the best buds ever. I love watching them greet each other in the morning, of course always when I'm in the bathroom.


I think it's important to go with the the one that speaks to you.

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It is probably just luck, but the male dogs I have had have always been the most easy going. Cody, who I have now is just like Mr Rogers. Also have 3 females currently - and have had to come to these boards for suggestions on how to handle the snarkiness. Never have to worry about Cody - must manage Grace and Duchess. Now the lastest additions, Miss Boots, gets along great with all of them, go figure.

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I would agree to go with the one that speaks to you.


My female seems to love the male foster dogs I've had, and has never liked the females. She wasn't rude/snarky at all towards the females, instead she would completely ignore them as if they didn't exist. Well, except she likes to snap at them when it's feeding time. She also loves little dogs....


"Seek, mama's not getting you a little dog!" <_<


As I said above to go with the one that speaks to you... I am getting a female puppy. I have found one that speaks to me. I'm sure my girl will understand, maybe :wacko:


By the way, did you find a pup you wanted??

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