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Finals Curiosa

Donald McCaig

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Dear Doggers,


I’m doing some little jobs for the Finals, among them: preparing the notebook the announcers use. With their entries, each handler was asked to fill out a profile which asked - among other things - how long they’d been trialing and how many hours they trained weekly. Since that’s quantifiable, I thought I’d quantify.


Nursery dogs (under 3 years of age) are much easier to get qualified than open dogs so I expected more less experienced handlers in the nursery class. About half the big hats didn’t bother to fill in the profile - and if they were added the year’s trialing would skew higher. Since some big hats earn their livings with sheepdogs, the number of training hours would skew higher too.


I only included handlers who answered both questions: those who replied that “they didn’t spend enough time” training, or “been running trials forever” didn’t get quantified.


Results:the average handler running a nursery dog in the USBCHA National Finals has been trialing for 15 1/2 years. He/she spends 14 hours every week training.


Donald McCaig

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Dear Doggers,




Results:the average handler running a nursery dog in the USBCHA National Finals has been trialing for 15 1/2 years. He/she spends 14 hours every week training.


Donald McCaig


Sorry to ask a beginner question: is the 14 hours per week spent on the same dog or spread over more than one dog? I am guessing the latter?



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Results:the average handler running a nursery dog in the USBCHA National Finals has been trialing for 15 1/2 years

Dear Mr. Donald,

You've made my day! Thank you :rolleyes: .


For me it would be also interesting how long it takes for an average person to train before they star trialing.



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Dear Doggers,

Julie wrote: " I think the question was simply "how many hours a week do you spend training?" which I took to mean all training, not just a particular dog. But that was just my interpretation."


I have the sense that most respondents read the questions as Julie did. The outliers were 50 hours and four hours respectively (I suspect the 4 hours was for one dog).


I calculated an average, not a median. Only a few in my sample had been trialing less than ten years; only a few trained forty or fifty hours a week. Responding Big Hats trained a little less: maybe 7 hours weekly but, as one wrote, "I think about it all the time."


Donald McCaig

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Slightly OT: Did I hear/read somewhere that Ray was announcing? If so, he's absolutely the greatest!!


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