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I was wondering how often and what brushes you use.


For Oli I brush him once every 1-2 weeks, his coat is short enough that I don't have to worry about tangles and matts too often. (When he does get one it's usually under his ear) When his shedding is bad (mainly spring) I brush him every day with the FURminator (I love it) And for regular brushing I just use a pin/finishing brush. Don't get me started on nail clipping... Sometimes I wish I could sedate him for it. I'm working on slowly getting him to let me touch his paws - one thing he can't stand - by little by little touching more and more of his paw and giving him treats when he doesn't pull away.


He gets a bath sparingly, about once every 5-6 months. When he finds a mud hole and rolls in it he just gets rinsed. And if he still smells I wipe him with baby wipes. :]


So what do you guys do as far as grooming? Do you trim the hair between their toes or feathering?


Oh and any suggestions for a fur remover? I have the pledge fabric sweeper and it's works great when there's a lot of fur - like on my bed - but not so great when there isn't a lot. Lint rollers are okay, is there something that works wonders?


Thanks :rolleyes:

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Oh and any suggestions for a fur remover? I have the pledge fabric sweeper and it's works great when there's a lot of fur - like on my bed - but not so great when there isn't a lot. Lint rollers are okay, is there something that works wonders?

Thanks :rolleyes:

For upholstered furniture I use a terrycloth rag, wet, wrung out thoroughly and just rub gently in one direction. Works wonders. Hair rolls up into little "snakes," which are easily picked off. Lots cheaper than lint rollers or tape. On napped rugs - like Orientals - I use a slicker brush before I vacuum. Saves on vacuum bags and is less wear on the rug. Good stretching exercise too!



For everything else I use this vacuum. Cheap, strong, light (8 1/2 lbs), easy to store, realllllllllllly long cord. Uses throw away or emptiable bags.



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So far (have only had Meg 4 months) for grooming, I use the Furminator during heavy shedding season. For regular brushing, I have one of those pet brushes with the nylon bristles on one side and the wire bristles on the other. I brush her a couple times a week with that just to get the debris out of her coat and to check for mattes. She too occasionally gets them behind her ears.


I trimmed the fur on her butt and legs because I got fed up with her fighting me when I tried to brush the debris/stickers out. I tried to trim it so it looks natural still, just not so long that it picks up every piece of plant material she walks past. I took about 4" of fur off of her backside....what's left is still about 3-4" long. I also trimmed the fur on the bottom of her feet as she was picking up stickers there too. Brushing has gone much smoother since I gave her a trim as I can get it done faster.


I've only taken the Dremel to her nails once. I've caught her chewing on them a couple times...she keeps them fairly short on her own so I suspect I won't have to do them often.


The dogs here get a bath every 4-6 weeks usually, with rinses in between as needed.


I've given up on removing fur from the house. I vacuum to get as much of it up as I can, but between two dogs, a long haired cat, and chinchilla fur (which floats through the air)....it's a lost cause.

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3 hairy dogs here:


1. a pin brush to find obvious tangles and get to the skin

2. a slicker brush to clean out loose undercoat and to use for line brushing

3. a metal comb for a final sweep through hairy places to locate any missed tangles and to use if I need to clip out something so I don't cut skin

4. a mat-breaker tool for when I end up with a mat


I clean up feet to cut down on the flotsam and jetsam that gets tracked in. I shave my BC's belly because he has this weird, fine, thin but coarse hair on his belly that gets matted easily, its easy to zip that crap off and prevent them from ever existing. I clean up The Butt so no poo sticks to tails or furnishings fr me to clean up. I try to brush weekly, some times I fail but mostly they just shed like mad as opposed to matting so if I get slack they don't suffer.


Baths when they are dirty which can be as soon as 3 weeks and as infrequent as 3 months.

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That's a good idea cut their butt hair! I think I'm going to do that with my boy, whenever he lets me brush his butt I get a lot of fur.

I'll have to try the terrycloth rag, I bought a brush at Petco that claimed it removed hair from "carpet, rugs, hardwood floors, tile, stairs, furniture, fabric and car", claimed being the key word here :rolleyes:

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My BF has a friend who is a groomer and a handler (mostly Schnauzers). I watched her last year at a show grooming a standard Schnauzer to go in the ring, I almost died :D

My guys get brushed and hosed if they decide to roll in the pasture :rolleyes: I also try to get the hair between the toes.


As for a vac - I have all wooden floors NO carpet - a good old shopvac is my best friend :D

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