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I surely hope spring has sprung. I saw 7 Robins in the yard yesterday , and the day before, geese flying over. Emma and I did our 2 miles trail and she was wet from head to toe. When we were just about to leave, she had a boy friend to play with a 6 month old black lab named Tonka and did they play rolling in the slop, while the owners watch and laughed, for about 15 minutes. He was very nice Lab well lets keep our fingers crossed for an early spring.

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For the last two weeks my dog's been getting almost daily afternoon showers (in my bathtub which I have to clean using a broom afterwards - LOL - grrr) and he never even rolls in mud :rolleyes: Only once we had to use shampoo because of the kind of sticky smelly black mud on his feet. Yeah, spring's coming alright...

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Fencing from the mudroom to the back yard completed just in time! Muddy, muddy, muddy dogs....there's small springs up on our hill that open up when it rains heavily. Dear me, what a mess they are!




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Fortunately, the outdoor spigot melted out of the snowbank just in time for the onslaught of muddy dogs. Even a simple walk beyond just the yard results in having to do some hosing off. Everything is muddy or, in the case of the road, just dirty and gritty.

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