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Video of Gypsy's Tricks

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Last year I tried making a video of Gypsy's tricks, but Windows Movie Maker was messed up on my parents' computer and it wouldn't save as a video file. So I finally got around to transferring the clips onto my computer, and finished the video yesterday! Comments and new ideas for tricks welcomed :rolleyes:


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Gypsy is one clever dog and you a great teacher. I enjoyed the video very much, thanks for posting.

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Thanks for all the comments :D It certainly is nice having a brilliant dog like Gyp, but I get so frustrated when I'm working with hubby's little mutt, she's just so dumb! Gypsy, on the other hand, I can talk to like a person, and she will understand everything I say. Tricks are learned within minutes. Just a couple weeks ago, I was on crutches with a bruised pelvis and we had a huge blizzard with a good foot of snow, and the paper guy just stuck the newspaper in our chainlink fence. Never having done it before, I just told Gypsy to "go get it". She looked around the yard, spotted the paper, trotted over to the fence, jumped up and grabbed the paper and brought it back to me. She's definitely a special girl and I'm SO lucky to have her :rolleyes:

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Loooved your video!


Have you thought of doing Musical Canine Freestyle? You could easily put together a musical routine with what your lovely dog already knows.


Would you mind telling me who sang the song you used for the background music, and what the name of it is? I like it, and think it would make a great song for Jester and me to use for a Freestyle routine.


best wishes to you!


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To be honest, the idea of doing freestyle doesn't really interest me too much. I'm sure she could do it, but I don't know if she would enjoy it. And if there was a crowd of people around her, she would be too interested/intimidated by them to concentrate.. So we'll just stick to the backyard :D The song is Why Don't We Just Dance by Josh Turner.


And Diane, yes, she does hold things in her mouth without eating them. That was interesting to teach, since she learned how to sneakily swallow them before I could correct her, and I couldn't tell if they were still in her mouth or not! :rolleyes:

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