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Robin's fetching

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A breakthrough moment....we were kicking around the old battered soccer ball in the yard yesterday and I sat down on the edge of the porch for a moment and you could see the lightbulb go off in Robin's head....he still wanted to play, so he brought me the ball for the very first time! To this point, I couldn't figure out how to get him to fetch so we have been walking up to the ball and practicing different things, sit, stay, lie down, wait while I kicked it, then turned him loose, then he'd run back to me and we'd practice "walk up". We'll still do that, of course, but its interesting that he caught on himself to "fetch".


I've been reading the clicker training book and think I will go back to that method...I've got to start a consistent approach to training, otherwise he's going to be all mixed up and so am I....the ball"training" that we were doing I thought would help him make the transition to working off lead and he's getting good at walking off lead beside me...in the yard :rolleyes:. He's also calmed down on the long lead in the back field....so we're making progress...


They're still scanning the sky for birds, but come very rapidly when I call them off since that CTJ moment we had a few weeks ago. Robin has shown no signs of wanting to scale the fence again but I'm keeping a very careful eye on him. I have a tug rope hanging off a pole in the yard and naturally he is jumping off the ground to reach the knot that ties it to the pole (about four feet) instead of tugging at the lower end of the rope.....should I remove it? He's the only one that uses it. I did have a frisbee attached to the the end of it, but Ladybug tugged that off months ago.




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Nice job on the fetch! I'm still working on Tobey being able to even pick up a ball I've thrown. Poor guy. Before you know it he'll be bringing you the kitchen sink to throw for him!!




Robin has Ladybug to show him what to do - she does doesn't let him touch the ball when she's around....:rolleyes:



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Robin has Ladybug to show him what to do - she does doesn't let him touch the ball when she's around....:rolleyes:




Wow, good job on the fetch. We're still trying to interest Raleigh in balls, toys, anything. It's like he has no clue. However, we're not giving up on turning this boy's brain on to fun.


Learning a lot about this topic, so keep posting your successes on teaching how to play, please!


Mary and "Raleigh Wood"

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