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2009 Whistle for a Cure SDT expands!

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Entry for the trial opened last week and has been very small, so we've decided to expand to 2 days and add USBCHA sanctioned Open classes. Saturday 9/26 we'll run Open (2 dogs per handler, most likely) and a Nursery class if we get enough dogs. Sunday we'll start with Open and run the Nursery and Novice classes afterwards. It's possible Open will need to be limited to one dog per handler on Sunday, depending on how many dogs we get. The outrun will be pretty short since my place isn't that big, but the drive will be fairly long. We may have a maltese cross. The sheep will be challenging as they come from 2 farm flocks and will be mixed, and probably won't be very even. No payback in Open. Saturday's judge will be Christine Henry, Sunday's will be Dan King.


It's all for points, fun and a great cause!


Entry forms can be found at


http://www.sheepdogsonline.com/entry.doc (word doc) ( <---i'll have the revised form posted tomorrow but it can be found in the sheepdog-l files now) Open will be $27, all other classes $15. Entry is open now until 9/10.


We're raising funds to support our friend Joan Stout-Knight's effort in raising money for Ovarian Cancer Research. If you can't join us, please consider an in spirit entry or donation. The trial was a great success last year and we hope it will be as successful or even better this year. We'll also be selling commemorative hats, holding a raflle and having a great concession/breakfast/lunch to raise more funds. Hope you can join us for a fun weekend - Thanks!

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Awesome! Can't wait! My entry has been waiting until our printer gets more ink. :rolleyes: that's on the list today so you'll get that this week. We have three dogs. :D the third is a surprise.

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