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Sharing my pleasure re agility.

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I posted before about Meg's first experience of agility and how I was disappointed that she was a bit scared and not interested.

Well, as some of you suggested, things changed last night, the third time she tried.


She was terrific, tried and did all the elements even went through the tyre. Only problem was the balance ladder, great going up but got a fright when it tilted down.


This is just fun agility no real training or aiming towards competition. There is not a tunnel so I might try and rig something up at home.


When we came to the table I was wondering how long it may take for her to jump up on that. To my amazement she ran to it and jumped on!! It was as if she knew why it was there and what she was meant to do, weird. I just could not believe how good she was and enjoying it all the time.


My family and friends would not understand this achievement so as I have to tell somebody I come to my BC family.

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Im in the same boat, my mother never really understands why I love this sport, I've only been doing it for going on 13 years :rolleyes:). My daughter is also hooked on and has been training/competing since age 7 and at age 15 will be starting her 3rd dog. Agility is a sport where you either get it or you dont, and those that dont never will.


I am glad to hear that you and Meg are having fun exploring the sport. Perhaps someday that competitive bug will bite and you'll say "Well....maybe I'll try it just once" Its all down hill from there you'll be permanently hooked

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Thanks for the replies.

unfortunately there is no other facility for agility in this area.

Anyway I am a very senior citizen and have to admit that what we do now is all I could cope with . I am concentrating on making sure Meg gets all the excercise she needs and wants and developing ways of giving her what she needs while not having to run around fields and arenas mysel!!

Thankfully we are doing well if only she would bring the ball back to me. I have tried everything and failed.

What I love about the agility is she needs to use her noggin as well as getting excercise.

Wish I had tuned into it when I was more active, but then there was not a Meg on the scene and anyway I believe all these things happen for the best.

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We're just having our fifth lesson tonight and I love it. Cheyenne really seems to enjoy it, too, and she's a natural at it. The only thing she has trouble with is the tunnel, so I bought one to work with her at home. It seems she's a little afraid of it and the trainer and I think it's due to her original owner confining her too much. She's afraid of a crate when the door is closed. Tonight, we're supposed to try the weave poles for the first time. Hopefully, the birds and lizards stay away because she has a high prey drive and is easily distracted by them.

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