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Tess sends her Thanks to all of you. Not only she got her cheeseburger, she got more of my steak and extra food for dinner, plus tons of treats and needless to day, she was full!! She finally slept on the couch with her new *gator toy* next to her.


And she got to help Getty (husband) put the chickens away for the night. In the morning, they take the ducks out and leave the chickens behind(they sor the ducks from the chickens) and then she puts the ducks in the pond pasture with Getty giving her commands. Then at night ,she puts the ducks away. After he fed her her cheeseburger, they went and did the chores and she worked like a champ for him and of course, he had to feed her some bread from the barn. For a spouse who claims he hates herdnig, he does it QUITE well with her and knows his flanks etc well!!They work well together!!


He didn't know I was watching but I saw him slip her extra bread and more treats from the barn. She must have thought she hit the mother lode that day for food.


She is on a D-I-E-T until friday when my mom comes over on friday and then we all get well fed. We can't wait!!


It's weird signing the dogs up for trials and not putting her name down now. I just sent my entries in for the Finals and put down Roo instead of her. I guess I can't complain as her sons/daughther (Pete, Kate and Roo) have qualifed for the Open Finals and Lucy (granddaughter) has qualified for the Open Finals and her grandson/daugthers have their Nursery legs. as one person said "She is a fine example fo the ROM working well"


She will be going to the Finals with Getty. I guess they will be hiking instead. That is, when they are not cheering for me and Nan and Roo!!




Happy Birthday Tess! Renoir sends kisses to his inspiration teacher. And I send many scratches behind the ears, I feel so lucky to have had the chance to try to handle such a wonderful dog.



A slightly late Happy B-Day to Tess, from Nick :rolleyes: Maybe I should bring her a new ball next time to replace the one that exploded when I was there...


And, GO NAN! in the Finals :D Send her to me when you're done, please. I need a matched pair of dogs.

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