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Wally World (WalMart) carries the hard(ish) plastic kiddie wading pools. I keep one right outside the pasture. If you double them up, they seem to last longer (I think what I have out there right now is triple stacked, with the bottom pools being older ones that have holes, but they add strength to the newer leak-free one on top). Dogs here also use the stock tanks, but as some dogs also like to pee in the water while they cool off, I'd prefer they use the kiddie pools so I'm not having to constantly change out the sheep's water (well, this time of year I pretty much have to change constantly because of algae growth).


If you want to try a stock tank, most farm supply stores like Southern States or Tractor Supply carry various sizes.



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If you just need just a small cooling tub, one of the mortar mix tubs from a building supply company is very inexpensive, and easily dumped and cleaned.


Julie's idea of stacking is a great one to protect a newer pool from rocks and lend support.

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We do use the mortar tubs too. They are a bit more expensive but do last a long time. Sometimes the fast food stores give away plastic buckets which we have used in a pinch. They don't last long. Or feed supply stores have split blue barrels for cheap. We use those for our sheep but dogs do climb in after a hot workout. N

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Petsmart has hard plastic ones that were about $8 here in the Charlotte area. They aren't too big - one fit in the back seat of my HHR, but they are big enough for my full grown golden retriever to lay in comfortably. They are also specially made for dogs & seemed to be a little thicker than the Walmart ones. Actually the one I bought for the dogs last year was still good this year until my son sat in it & collapsed one of the sides.


We keep ours on the deck next to the big pool so the dogs can cool off with the people. I empty the water about every day to keep down the mosquitos. Also, sometimes the water in the little pool warms up in the sun & the dogs don't want to go in. When it does that, I dump it on my flowers & give them some new, cold water from the well.



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We have a turtle sandbox that we use as a wading/digging/splashing pool. It was actually gift from a neighbor who was moving away as it was her dog's "pool." It's heavier-duty than the cheap plastic ones, which Zoe destroys in a single season. This thing is tougher than I thought... I had one as a kid, and love the idea of Zoe and Rue playing in their version

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I use a 40-gallon black rubber stock tank from Wilco. There are some benefits to living somewhere that actually has farm stores. The only drawback is the water gets pretty warm when it's sunny. They should probably make these things in lighter colors.

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