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Kipp passed!

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Kipp and I had our final eval for SAR certification tonight and he passed!! It was a 3 step process - first we had a skills evalution that inclded agility, obedience, alerts and directional work. After that we did a 15 acre night search and tonight we had 3, 15 acre searches with 2 victims. Both the seaches were done in areas new to the dogs with unfamiliar "victims" - just like it would be for an actual search.


I knew he could do it, but I wasn't sure how it would turn out or if I would make a mistake somewhere (like finishing up the thrid parcal and finding out we'd missed a victim back on parcel two 'cause I wasn't thorough enough). Needless to say, I was very happy when we found victim #2! Kipp did spice things up a bit and alerted where one person's scent was pooling as opposed to the actual person at first - Kipp sounded convinced the person was up in a tree. But after I led him away from the spot and told him to "search" again, he worked his way to the victim and alerted.


I'm feeling relieved and quite pleased with my little dog tonight!!

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And well you should be! Thats no easy task for human or dog! Congrats to both of you!

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Wow, I was preparing to offer my condolences, but thank goodness it wasn't the type of passing I originally thought it was.


Me too!

So gald I misunderstood the title!

Congrats! I knew you guys would pass with reading how well he did when you went out to practice right before going for the test.


Great Job Kipp!

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