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Taking to the water!

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Well this is the only place I think may understand my pleasure today.

For months I have been taking Meg to the sea and while she would paddle and put her head under water there was no sign of swimming.

BUT today it happened. I was throwing a plastic bottle for her and yes she swam. It was so funny Meg not quite knowing how to dogs paddle and doing a doggy butterfly stroke instead but she went well out of her depth and always got the bottle.

I was like a maniac on the shore shouting encouragement with a big grin on my face. Luckily it was raining and there was nobody else about.


I have wanted her to do this for a long time and am so glad I took it gently with her until she was ready.


So now she can excercise in the water which I think will be so good for her as she gets older.

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That's great. I can feel the excitement in your words and could just picture you jumping around and shouting in the rain, just the two of you, celebrating a special moment. :rolleyes:

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Thanks for replying. I am glad you uinderstood how I felt. I was so proud of Meg!!

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