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Lump on eyelid?


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I just noticed this a few minutes ago. I didn't notice a thing when we picked her up this morning from her breeders (we were boarding them there). I called and they didn't notice anything nor did my other family members os I think it must've just now come up. Anyone have any ideas about what it is? I guess I should take her in to the vet tomorrow. She seems normal but it seems a bit tender if you touch it.




Anyways, just wondering if anyone had any thoughts. I'm a worrier, lol.

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Could be an infected eyelash follicle, it sure looks like it hurts. Hope it goes away soon. Will she let you hold a warm compress to it? Might make it feel better. And a vet visit tomorrow for sure.




I think I'll try the compress. I'm not sure if she'll let me but it's worth a shot. I wasn't sure if I was being overly worried by wanting to schedule a vet appointment tomorrow. I'll call first thing in the morning. It hurts me just to look at it. I bet it's painful for her.

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Well, we got back from the vet. It's a stye and infected but we can't see if anything is in it. So we're trying some drops plus meds to try to clear it up. If that doesn't work then they're going to have to sedate her and do surgery on it. Hopefully it won't come to that. We should know if the meds are working within a week.


Good non-surgery vibes would be appreciated.

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