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Overheating again


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Well, here we go again. Humid and warm here today--mid 80's. DH took Scooter out for a few minutes to play and 15 minutes later, Scooter came dragging in, panting heavily and flopped on the floor in front of me. DH followed behind, looking scared and said, "I know, I know." Said he tried to cool him off. I wrapped him with wet towels and turned on the overhead fan till his breathing was more normal. He'll probably be limping big time by this evening too with his hip dysplasia. I thought we had this worked out last summer after Scooter had problems from being outside too long and playing too hard. Guess not. This man listens to no one! :rolleyes: I worry about leaving him in his care when I'm out of town for a few days this month. He's just not responsible. :D

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Take DH out and drive him into heat stress. Work him hard in shorts without a shirt or water and see how he likes it. Should be able to do it in about half an hour. Better yet have him go through my blog and see what happens when you get nailed by heat stress. It's much worse for a dog. Bear in mind that heat stress problems can be accumulative as well as taking several days to a few weeks to fully recover.


I've taken to running the dogs out in the cool of the morning before the suns up to avoid heat stress. Don't know what I'm going to do when the cool of the morning is 85F. Fortunately I have a park where I know the watering schedule to help keep the dogs cool.


If you want I'll make a post on heat stress although I think I already have.

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Take DH out and drive him into heat stress. Work him hard in shorts without a shirt or water and see how he likes it.


If you want I'll make a post on heat stress although I think I already have.

Better yet, bundle him up in winter wear and let him run around in 80+ degrees for a while. :D


Problem is, I know about heat stress, but I'm not the one running Scooter into the ground. He's a very stubborn man. He especially doesn't like to be told anything by a woman. Especially if that woman is his wife. :rolleyes: Not much of a reader (sort of odd for a teacher), so handing him a sheet explaining the dangers of heat stroke would be useless. I also keep trying to tell him that Scooter running and jumping for the Frisbee for 20 minutes isn't helping the hip dysplasia. So maddening!!


I'm just going to have to get plain obnoxious about this. It's up to me to protect Scooter. He's such a precious boy.


And I wonder why I have anxiety attacks...

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Anxiety I understand. I have a closer attachment to Jin than any other BC before and I act like an over protective father, more like a mother. I worry about everything.

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