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Psyche's got a spot...


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I'm thinking it's a break out of an allergy of sorts. She's on RAW, so I doubt it's food. She was medicated with flea prevention in March when I brought her home, but I suppose rolling in the snow, she could have rubbed that off (maybe?).


Here's a picture:



That one's on her side, just behind her ribs on her right side. It itches her, I assume, and I've seen her licking it a lot (try to get her to stop every time I see her doing it). She had one on her left leg, on the inside, that was much smaller, and it looked like a bite mark or something and I figured the girls had played too rough, it went away, and not she's got one on her side, and one on her other leg that goes around onto her bum/bumfluff area.


It's not completly bald like a hot spot, and the hair didn't fall out in clumps, or even noticably fall out at all. It just looks like when she was itching at it, she broke/bit off the hair.


Anyone have any idea what it is? It's nothing that's spreading - none of the other dogs have them, and it doesn't seem to be getting bigger.

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I would take her to the vet and get a skin scraping done. It could be mites (demodex or sarcoptes). Each case looks different and some dogs itch more than others, although sarcoptes is usually extremely itchy, some dogs don't seem to scratch at all with demodex. If it is mites it's relatively easy and cheap to treat.


But it could very well be an allergy of some sort, and if no mites are seen on the skin scraping your vet will probably want to look into what could be causing the reaction.

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A vet check is always good, but if you want to try something inexpensive and that won't hurt, get some Wonder Dust. It's sold at ranch/farm/equine supply places. It's powder that dries out and speeds healing of skin irritations.


I've used it on hot spots and other minor skin owies with huge success. If one dusting with the powder doesn't make a big difference, then I'd go to the vet.



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I don't know what the chances of it being sarcoptes is because none of the other dogs have it, or have shown signs of getting them, and she's had these spots (the one on her leg that healed, and then these two) since I brought her home. (First the one on her leg, then these two that showed up 1 or 2 weeks ago).


I'll put something on it. I honestly think that it started off as bites of some sort and she irritated it too much, that's why I've been trying to stop her from licking it.


Other then that she doesn't scratch an abnormal amount, really.

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It looks like Demodectic mange. You should take her to the vet and have a scrape done to check for mytes.

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looks like the reaction that Boone had to Advantix. Any topical stuff put on her lately?


Dogs get rashes just like people - one bug bite, a little scratching with a dirty nail, then whala...a staph infection. I tend to rinse stuff like this in 1/2 and 1/2 viniger and water, then either calendula or colloidal silver on it after.


just because she's on raw doesn't mean she can't have an allergy to the choice of protein or another component.

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If it's Demodex, wouldn't it be up around the eyes and face where it usually is?


She'll be going to the vet, none the less.


Demodex is't always around the face. I've seen many dogs with patches on various parts of their body due to Demodex (with nothing on their face), and my dog Bonnie just had one patch on her leg.


But if your other dogs are clear chances are it's not Sarcoptes, but it is possible for one dog in a household to show signs a little in advance of the others - but usually the weaker/older dog of the pack.


But you'll know soon enough what it is once you've been to the vet. Here's hoping it's something easily cleared up, for her sake :rolleyes:

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If it's Demodex, wouldn't it be up around the eyes and face where it usually is?


She'll be going to the vet, none the less.


Well, when we found Bindy, she had patches that looked just like you picture all over. One around an eye, one around the neck, and one near her back legs. The vet did a scrape and microscopic exam for mites and verified that she had Demodex, so I just wouldn't rule it out. It might not be, I'm no vet, I just think it looks like ours did.

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