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Hey, it's been a while since I posted, and I even have a new pup! Shame on me for not posting pics yet. Anyway, I'm visiting my folks about 6 hours away, and today I noticed my pup (Meg: 12 weeks, 3rd round vacs) straining to poop. When some did finally come out, it was a bit soft, but she continued to strain afterwards. I spoke with my vet back home, and he said it was probably diarrhea or the onset of it. And that the straining was probably cramps. Shortly after talking to him, I was checking out Meg and noticed some bloody discharge around her vulva. So I took her immediately to my parents vet. They did a urinalysis, and there was definitely blood in the sample. She gave me some antibiotics and said it should clear up. My concern is the straining, have any of you dogs ever exhibited this behavior? She has been acting normal/playful otherwise. Do any of you recommend what to feed her? I was thinking boiled chicken and rice... any other remedies, suggestions or concerns? Thanks!

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I was thinking boiled chicken and rice... any other remedies, suggestions or concerns? Thanks!


When things get a bit out of control, I add a little canned pumpkin to the food -- and yes, boiled chicken and rice is gentle on troubled tummies. You might want to consider pro-biotics as well, as the antibiotics play havoc with the intestinal flora. Just be sure to give the pro-biotics a couple of hours separated from the antibiotics.

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