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Body Suit for Dogs

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Last summer Freeman had an allergic reaction and lost his hair on his under-belly. The vet thought it was contact dermatitis, and my best guess is that it was from playing ball in the grassy fields behind my yard.


Freeman doesn't go after a ball like my other dogs, he actually slides into home base rubbing his belly along the ground.

The vet suggested some type of clothing to wear as protection. I've been looking at this: http://www.k9topcoat.com/search.asp?mode=r...;srch=allergies


Has anyone else had this problem? If so I would appreciate any suggestions. Now that things are beginning to bloom I probably need to get him some type of protection asap.



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I don't have any experience with allergies - sorry. But I bought a couple of K9 topcoats for my very-long-haired dogs to wear in the snow - thought it might help reduce the snowballs they collected in their bellies and groin area. It looks like they have improved some design issues we had, but....my experience: 1) the zipper along the belly is just plain stupid - why not put it on the back where humans can get to it?! 2) they are designed for either male or female dogs, so there is a LOT of belly exposed. It may not cover as much as you'd need for the belly-flopper. Another thing - one of my dogs got off the packed trail (which they do a lot), and actually got CAUGHT on a limb. There was a sharp limb sticking out, and she poked the material right through it. Thankfully, it was close enough that I could trudge my skis up to where she was and free her. I shudder to think what might have happened if she'd been out of sight, or down some hill I couldn't get to (well, I guess I would have gotten there, then figured out how to get back). It just poked a hole in the garment - I suppose eventually she might have torn it loose, but it is tough stuff.


I wonder if there is some hunting dog 'vest' that would just cover the belly, and cover it better? Dunno - but good luck!



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I've had two dogs that used to get terrible seasonal dermatitis on their bellies and groin areas. Initially I tried to manage as best I could with antihistimines, but they would both get so miserable that a cortisone shot was the only way to relieve the inflammation and itching. By the time each dog entered their senior years, they no longer experienced the dermatitis.


My holistic vet uses moistened baby wipes to swipe the pollen off the dogs' fur when he does bodywork on them during the spring. He has really severe pollen allergies.

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Lucia has suffered horribly this winter from the same thing :rolleyes: I feel so bad for her. Shots, and now antibiotics, are the only relief. Benadryl helps relieve some itching, but not much. We will soon be back to our home region and allergy free. Thank goodness! I hate seeing her like this. I never would have thought about the dog suit. I hope it works for you. Since I've tried everything under the sun to help her and nothing has worked, I can't add any fool proof suggestions.

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Would a Tee shirt work? If she is slifding forward, it ought to side down along toward the feet end when dog dives. Maybe split one down the back and sew it up so the tube is smaller but still easy eaough to slip on and off the dog.

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I didn't realize the body suit was open in the belly area; this would actually defeat the purpose and at a very high price at that!

I've tried the t-shirt idea before. I'm having trouble finding the right size. The neck and sleeve portion of the t-shirt need to be fairly snug so his feet don't get caught in them. I've noticed that he's started scratching today, so I need to get on this asap.

Hmm, I just thought about a turtle neck. I'll cut the sleeves off and then slice down the back as someone suggested and then tie (sorry, I can't sew!).


We'll see.................


Thanks for responses.

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