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Ewe won''t let lamb nurse


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This is a first time mom. She lambed last night no problems, lamb was up and nursing, mom would "squat" so lamb could nurse easier. This afternoon I noticed lamb was crying non stop..well seems mom has now cut off the milk bar..I caught her hogged tied her and milked her out (no easy task she bucked like a rodeo bonco) bottle fed lamb who wolfed it down. Then I held her and he nursed from her. so my thoughts are she was so bagged up it was hurting and now things were good. Well guess what? She cut him off again. This time it was even worse getting her milked out and would not let him nurse..Other then that she is very attentive to him talks to him but for some reason she now doesn't want him to nurse. Any idea? I don't know if forcing her will help or hurt. I really have to bottle feed when she has a huge bag or ready made food for him.

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