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Alex Impressed Me Again

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Remember Alex the aggressive doesn't like children Border Collie. Well......


The new baby came over the house for the first time yesterday. Not a growl, snarl, nor did she pace. Just curious. Whenever he would fuss or cry she went and checked on him.

Such a good girl.



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BCs and kids are a strange mix. We were fortunate to haver BCs that worked well with kids. Other people have not been so lucky.

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My dog is also reactive; I don't think he'd ever really seen a baby or child when I got him from the shelter. But he quickly learned that tiny babies are unable to chase, and that babies and toddlers in strollers are strapped in and likely to drop food. He will approach any stroller and immediately give friendlies to babies.


For children outside of cages, Buddy is still remarkably tolerant. If they'll come gently, he'll lie at their feet and gently take treats from their hands. He clearly sees a difference between "child" and "adult" in humans. He even let a toddler walk up and put an arm around his neck and give a hug - which would have been forbidden for a bigger human or, heaven forbid, a dog! There are a lot of small kids who've clearly been raised to approach dogs slowly and with care, which always impresses me. Then there are the others who see dogs as stuffed animals and are allowed to run, charging, straight at strange dogs. (What are those parents thinking?!)


I do carefully monitor all the interactions, to be sure Buddy doesn't get freaked out. Sounds like you're being very careful, also. Fingers crossed that Alex stays just as good as the baby grows.



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The baby is here to visit again and Alex is doing well. Yes I am being watchful, but not making a big deal of it. Eli gave one of those baby yells at her and she did what she has been taught to do. If she's unsure she is supposed to come sit by me. I praised her, told her it's ok, and she went and sat by him with a "smile" on her face.




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