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Dogs Barking at the Door

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This was started on another forum and I thought it would be an intersting topic here.


Do you like/allow your dogs to bark when some one knocks or rings a door bell?




I personally don't like it. I like dogs that might get excited or go to the door when someone knocks or rings the bell, but no barking. I think it could be scary for some people that don't generally like dogs (though, I must say, I've had tremedous success getting people to over come there fear of dogs with my dogs. So much so that one little girl went and bought a stuffied animal after Blaze). Also, if someone were sleeping and a person knocks, it would immediantly wake that person very rudely - Haha, I know how it feels lol

I find it embarassing to have people think my dogs are going nuts or want to harm them (with 4 dogs it would appear that way I assume) if they come to the door. I would find it embarassing, also, if I have guests over already and someone knocks and all the dogs start barking.

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Senneca alarm barks when someone approaches the door. She stops as soon as I come and ask her "what's up?". I praise her for doing her job and she beams with pride that she has protected us from those scary people. I like it. Our friends and neighbors know her and aren't scared away. I'm OK with random people who ring our door bell being a bit nervous and wondering if she's going to eat them (she'd most likely lick them into submission, but I prefer to let strangers assume the worst).

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My dog definitely barks when people approach my house. It's a lingering symptom of his earlier, extreme reactivity. Living alone, I have played with ideas about how to get this to stop - but they all involve recruiting strangers to come ring my door repeatedly - pretty tough to do! :rolleyes:


A man (who turned out to be a tall, somewhat slow teenage boy) once hopped my fence into my yard at night. I called the police, who came promptly. I apologized for my dog's incessant barking. The police officer said, "That's not a bad thing to have." Since then, I've been pretty relaxed about the dog's barking.



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Our local news station did a story about security systems. They utilized a former burgler who showed how simple it is to disarm certain systems. At the very end of the segment, the news person asked him what he thought was the best deterrent. His answer was, "Honestly? A dog. It doesn't have to be mean. It just has to bark."


I like my dogs to bark. And I like them to stop barking when i get to the door and tell them to stop. :rolleyes:

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Our local news station did a story about security systems. They utilized a former burgler who showed how simple it is to disarm certain systems. At the very end of the segment, the news person asked him what he thought was the best deterrent. His answer was, "Honestly? A dog. It doesn't have to be mean. It just has to bark."

That's funny. I saw a story not too long ago about the same thing and the guy, who used to burglarize homes said, when asked about dogs, "Nah! Shoot, they're usually happy to see us!" :rolleyes:

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I live in a very rural area. We don't get much unplanned company so I definitely like my dogs to bark when someone comes to the door. I check the window, and let all the dogs outside before opening the door. People who know me, know I have the dogs so it's not an issue.

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Do you like/allow your dogs to bark when some one knocks or rings a door bell?




I don't want anyone at my house unless he or she is invited. If someone is invited to my home, that person knows to expect to hear barking dogs.


I like for people who come to service the furnace or the exterminator, etc. to know that there are dogs who are well aware of who is here at all times.


Like others, I live in a rural area and I consider my dog's barking as a potential deterrent to those who do not belong here.

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