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Tiga's sick

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Tiga's normal routine is to go out to poop in the morning before breakfast, he pees and poops then in for breakfast. Sometime usually before lunch he gets his morning walk and he usually poops then as well. Some mornings he won't poop before breakfast, I think because he's holding out for the walk. Well this morning he didn't poop before breakfast. I went to work. My SO took him out again to try to get him to go becuase he was getting his walk in the afternoon, but no dice. I went back to work and when my SO got back from errands in the afternoon he was let out to try to go again. He immediately went to the grass and lay down. He NEVER does this. My SO went over to him and he was trembling like he does at the vet. He does not like going to the vet. My SO went to bring in the groceries thinking he would go poop but he didn't. He just stayed laying down in the grass, trembling. He went inside and was fine and then he got his walk. He finally pooped on the walk and was acting fine the rest of the afternoon. My SO came to pick me up at work and he came for the ride. When we came into the house, he quietly came in and when I turned the corner he was licking something. I made him leave it and it was what I think was vomit, although it kind of looked like poop, except there were pieces of carrott in it. There were 2 piles and only one had undigested food in it. It was kind of greenish, kind of like a mixture of mud and grass. Of course I called the vet on call and she said to not feed him supper and keep an eye on him. If he starts acting weird to call back but if not and he's ok by morning to go back to normal. He seems to be acting normal, except he's hungry. We can't find anything he might have gotten into. I didn't see him get into anything on his walk yesterday and my SO didn't notice him getting into anything today. That's not to say he didn't as he's very sneaky about it. He loves grass and random animal poop. There's a church that we walk to and we let him off leash there. It has a big field and there's often wildlife poop there. I didn't take him there yesterday because there were cars and people there but I'm pretty sure he did go there today.


ETA I asked my SO and he was not off leash today either on his walk, so he hasn't been in the church field since Friday.



Any thoughts? I'm kind of worried. We just had a scare a couple of weeks ago where he ate a firestarter log that has fuel in it. I hate that he eats everything in sight. :rolleyes:

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I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. I hate scares like that. My dogs eat grass and throw up when they need to clear out their tummies (that is purely my guess and not a scientific fact but they only do it once in a while <my cats do it too> and seem to do it when they've got upset tummies).


I would do what your vet said and not feed him. The fact that he's hungry is a good sign though. Maybe he was constipated and/or had an obstruction that was cleared when he threw up...even if it didn't come all the way up?


I don't really have any "advice" for you...just a, "shoot, I hate when that happens" commiserate.


Good luck!!

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Thanks for the well wishes. Tiga will sometimes eat grass and throw up when his tummy is upset, but it's a very specific type of grass. He grazes on mowed grass without throwing it up. The thing is though, it's cold here and we have had snow and the ground has been frozen and thawed a few times. The grass is not freshly mowed and we haven't seen him eating any the last couple of days.

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whoops... i think i misread your post. when you said it looked like it was the color of mud and grass I read it as it was grass... hmmmmmm I don't know what to tell ya. Sometimes my dogs also eat mud (not saying yours did) but I think that's because they're a little "unwell" in the head :rolleyes:

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Thanks all. He seems to be fine this morning. No more vomitting, ate his breakfast just fine and poop looked normal. I guess he just got into something that didn't agree with him. Sneaky little thing. I'm a little worried to leave him today, but I have to work for a few hours this afternoon.

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