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Breeding for Color?


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I wasn't going to post this link because I didn't want to put traffic on this person's site, but I have decided to because I think people should be aware of breeders like this and the detriment to the breed in very narrowly selecting for color.


All About Color


Warning: Please don't gag when you see the pedigree behind the merle line.

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You know what's even worse? Is that this breeder seems to do a good job of advertising their "working foundation" on their dogs. Let's say a newbie to the Border Collie world wanted a puppy, but they also had some idea that they were supposed to work, I think this is exactly the type of breeder those people fall for. And sadly, I think that's true. Obviously, someone who has done their research would run away from this breeder, but for a breeder who specializes in colours, they've done a pretty good job with covering it up (at least to a newbie)


Also, what is gag-worthy about the merle's pedigree? I'm not the most knowledgeable about pedigrees or the dogs on this pedigree in particular. If you don't wish to share in the public of this thread, that's fine!

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Also, what is gag-worthy about the merle's pedigree? I'm not the most knowledgeable about pedigrees or the dogs on this pedigree in particular. If you don't wish to share in the public of this thread, that's fine!


I concur! Elaborate!

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no offence ...


At least spell it right ...


Yes, no offense intended, right? Good. None taken. But oh LOOK!! I have a whopping three dogs, no puppies on the ground, none on the way, and none planned, but you could probably glean that I have experience on the very frustrating topic of colored dogs, no? While you're there, please feel free to stop by my blog, and the new Stockdogging in Idaho blog. That one will be updated quite frequently with events in and around Idaho. Thank you for the link, Bo Peep.


By the way, Ms. Peep, can I come work your sheep?

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You can look at the prices of the puppies and see how important color is to these people. Why should different 8 week old puppies from the same breeding be different prices? Makes no sense to me... Then again I guess I am color blind and only see in black and white (maybe with a hint of brown...)

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It may be amusing to some, it may be irritating (or worse to some), and frankly, I don't really have time to follow the innuendoes and accusations. If there is a problem, I think it would be to some newbies' benefit to have it explained, civilly if possible, ragingly angry if not. I see some problems in the various websites - but others, seem, well, pretty reasonable. I ain't in the market though, so no worries. And I just don't get the whole color thing (the desire, the market, etc.).



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I have worked a dog that came from Brian Abingdon. He was related to Thong but I can't remember the exact details. Very tough dog and strong will but we got him going well. Big, red male and nice. He was a keeper and his owner loves him....now that we got him settled and working well.


Tess and I also competed against Brian and his female *Thong* in ASCA (quite a few yrs ago). Guess who won? ;-)


In the pedigree you will see dogs with the CR as part of the name. That is from Crystal Rose (Merle and Sandy Newton) and they have nice dogs. Some of the dog in the papers are quite nice and others....well, let's say....they do not fit into my breeding program.....




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  • 2 months later...

I think that color is a secondary concern. I want a BC that is a great worker with a ton of potential, but I'd be fibbin' if I said I wasn't partial to the Merle BCs. It wont make my decision for me, but I could choose between to dogs have all things equal except color, I would choose a Merle.



However, with everything else in the world to get mad about, is this really a big enough deal to become angry about?


By the way, I bought a dog with a working family line. She happens to be a black tri. I love her no more or no less because of it.

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no offence, but what about This one? http://www.hayewebc.com/


At least spell it right ...


Yes, no offense intended, right? Good. None taken. But oh LOOK!! I have a whopping three dogs, no puppies on the ground, none on the way, and none planned, but you could probably glean that I have experience on the very frustrating topic of colored dogs, no? While you're there, please feel free to stop by my blog, and the new Stockdogging in Idaho blog. That one will be updated quite frequently with events in and around Idaho. Thank you for the link, Bo Peep.


By the way, Ms. Peep, can I come work your sheep?


Smack up side both your heads....STOP IT!

Peep you for starting it and JD you for snipping back, It's been done to death.

Tie, no winner declared.

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I wasn't going to post this link because I didn't want to put traffic on this person's site, but I have decided to because I think people should be aware of breeders like this and the detriment to the breed in very narrowly selecting for color.


All About Color


Warning: Please don't gag when you see the pedigree behind the merle line.


This is actually a really good "websites are decieving" link, Jodi. Back when I was originally looking for BC breeders, I may have been well decieved by this type of breeder. They throw lots of professional-sounding names around, they mention "working ability" every few lines, stockdog clinics, etc. Someone new to the BC world wanting a red BC may very well look at this breeder and squeal with delight, thinking that they've found a great working breeder that OMG! Specializes in RED border collies!


But I digress. The merle pedigree is very LOL. Working dogs indeed.

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