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Go Mark and Jody!


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A big congrats to Mark Billadeau and Jody for their awesome performance this past weekend at the Lexington SDT in Virginia. A 95, way to go! :rolleyes:


I had to run right behind them with her sister, talk about some footsteps to follow! How cool is that. Good job sis.




Duff, Glen, Katy, Brook and Jed


PS - if you get a chance to get down to this trial, go for it - it was wonderful. Gorgeous field, great trial and fun sheep - not to mention the famous southern hospitality. Thanks again to Cheryl Branibar and Dave Clark and all the folks who helped them put it on - it is not to be missed, mark your calendar for next year. Especially if you like perfect autumn weather and fall foliage.

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Congrats to Mark and Jody for a job very-well-done!


Why does that trial always have to conflict with a clinic that I need to go to (cattledog clinic)? Life is not fair. Timing issues are also why I haven't yet made it to the Edgeworth Open, either.

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