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Duck Eggs

Debbie Meier

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I'm looking for ways to use up our duck eggs, I'm not one to bake so cakes and stuff are out. We use them for breakfast, sometimes mixing them with our chicken eggs sometimes not, flavor seems to be the same just less egg white and a little more dense when cooked. The girls started laying a fews weeks ago and are giving me a pretty steady half dozen a day, not a huge number but more then 2 people need, especially when I am only making breakfast for myself during the week. I anticipate production to go up, we have about 15 total that are getting to the age to start laying. I hate to just feed them out to the dogs, though the dogs would love. My old dog Amber already looks like a whale, before we confined the ducks she was finding the eggs before I was. Our ducks are Kahki Campbells, Indian Runners and a couple of Blue Swedish.



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You need more dogs :rolleyes: When we kept ducks I would boil (that was pre-raw feeding LOL) 30 or so at a time and the dogs would get a couple each with their meals. We have chickens now and a few times a week I put a half dozen eggs in the blender, shells and all, to mix with the veggies.


Local health food store might sell them for you...

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