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Car Sickness


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I was just wondering if anyone new a good way to help or stop car sickness

My 6 month old Sakari has been sick on the way to all three vet visits (for shots) with lots of drooling afterwards.

I've never had this problem before with any past dogs so not sure wether it will just go away on its own, or if I can help her in any way.

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There are things you can give a dog to help with car sickness.


How long after feeding do you head for a car ride? I have a dog that gets car sick and has from day one. He cannot be fed for at least 3 hours before getting in a car. He is also more likely to get car sick if there are turns, bumps, stop and go driving. Once we hit a highway he is much better.


You can try giving ginger. I heard it helps some dogs but did not help mine. You can also buy some car sickness stuff for dogs but all it did for my dog was drug him and make him lethargic.


Truly the only thing that has helped my dog was monitoring when he was fed compared to when he travels in the car and knowing the signs of when he is about to get sick and opening the car window for fresh air. He was able to make a roundtrip from Warrenton, VA to Memphis, TN without car sickness. I can see the signs since I have been able to watch for them for 7 yrs.

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What worked with Fergie was to put her in a harness connected to the seatbelt in the back seat.


I got the harness because I always had my kids tethered in the car and sure didn't want 50 lbs of adult dog ricocheting around in an accident.


But it stopped her car sickness on the first ride in the harness. Still working well after over 12 years.


Before, she hated the car and vomited by the time we got out the driveway - even without eating for 24 hours. Now, she does the harness dance and can't wait to get in the car.


I think it is the security and stability of the harness. If we don't have it, she wants the shoulder and lap seatbelt!

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We had a vert appointment at 9AM this morning and didnt feed her anything before we went

This time she mainly through up liquid.

We live out in the country, not to many stops and goes to the vet, although half the way is a bit curvy.

We have a trail blazer and the dogs travel in the back, ive tried her loose and in her crate.

Next trip I will try ginger, that should be when we start classes which will be at night, so maybe she will do better then.

Thanks everyone for the advice :rolleyes:

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25 mg. Bonine (non-drowsy Dramamine) at least 30 minutes (but even better is an hour) before car travel works like a charm--Sakari may well outgrow the car sickness; our pup did, but the Bonine helped tremendously in the meantime--we went from buckets of drool and vomit to a dog who happily sleeps contentedly in the car. We gave him Bonine from 3 mos-15 mos. and since then he's been fine.

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I know tons of people who sweat by ginger.


But jelly beans? Really?!



I know, I can't recall what it is in them but a friend told me of it many years ago. I'd have to google the ingredients on JB's to see again what it is. I've "never" had one that got car sick so I haven't had to try anything. I just know what people tell me (people I trust that is).



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As someone mentioned, with some dogs, it's the visual stimulation, so if you cover their crate with a towel or whatever, that might help. I knew of a pup once who was driven here for stockwork twice a week for over a year (hour+ drive each way), and his owner tried all sorts of stuff; he just eventually got over it/outgrew it,



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