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Cleaning a wound


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Poke attempted to run through the sliding glass door today. :rolleyes: He has a big cut on his rear leg. It doesn't look very deep, it did not even drip any blood, it was just shiny and red. We cleaned it out and put Neosporin on it + that self stick gauze, and then a bandage over the gauze so he wouldn't remove it. Anything I am forgetting, and anything I should look out for? He wasn't even limping until the bandage cramped his style. I just want to cover my bases and avoid going to the vet, if possible.

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Sounds like you did a great job :D Wash it 2-3 times a day if you're using neosporin. I wouldn't use it more than a day or two. After the first couple days, the body takes over. This goes for poeple too :rolleyes: Keep an eye out for excessive redness and swelling.


Poor pup, I hope he feels better soon.

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Sounds like you did a great job
Famous last words. Chris wrapped the bandage to tight and his poor foort was swollen! We called the e-vet, they said not to worry and let it go down. They agree that it is most likely the bandage and not infected that fast. They suggested some warm compresses. LOL I have to find a way to elevate it....any suggestions?
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Poor guy :D He definately wouldn't be infected this fast. Warm compresses, lots of belly rubs for elevation :D and make sure he moves around enough to keep circulation rolling. Don't over do it though.


He'll be fine. wrapping too tight is common, but an easy fix if caught real quick. I guess he can't tell you if it tingles or goes numb :rolleyes:


Give him a bisquit from Lucia and Grady :D Lucia is the queen of "where the heck did THAT blood come from" :D

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Poor Poke, he has a normal foot now and more belly rubs then he has ever had in his life! He is very happy not to look like a clidesdale (sp?) anymore. I have to say, I am impressed with how good he has been. He has listened to me and let me hold him so his feet were straight up in the air! I appreciate that he trusts us so much.

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I have to say, I am impressed with how good he has been. He has listened to me and let me hold him so his feet were straight up in the air! I appreciate that he trusts us so much.


I know that feeling. Last winter, my dog impaled himself on a stick. I was amazed at how he let me examine him, poke around to see how he was doing, and (worst horror of all!) dress him in children's t-shirts. I think it really deepened our bond, seeing him trust me that much. :rolleyes:


Hope Poke heels up quickly!



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