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He hasn't had any diarrhea since 5 this morning. But he hasn't had anything to eat since Thursday morning. He got half supper tonight so we'll see how he is tomorrow. He seems to have a little more energy but is still walking around like he can't get comfortable. He only sleeps on the couch or my bed. I stayed home today to sit and watch tv with him. He has been on the couch most of the day with me. I needed a day off anyway :rolleyes: Thanks again for all the well wishes.

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I sure hope he's back to his chipper self soon. Is he drinking through all this? I'm always baffled by how they come up with things like this. Bugs me that I can't make them feel better or at least let them know why I'm not feeding them or playing with them.


I'm sure your day of rest on the couch was good for both of you!


Keep us posted.


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Boy, it sounds like his system has really taken a s...t kicking, pardon the expression :rolleyes:

I concur. AJ, you are BJ's best friend and he knows it. I'm sure your company will do wonders for his getting better.

Let us know what the weekend brings,


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The meds and rest must be helping him because this evening he got his zoomies back. Just before supper I was watching the end of the nascar race and he started to run around and jump on me in the chair. So I started playing with him a little on the floor. He was growling and running around, then he'd roll over on his back and wait for me to touch his stomach and he'd take off again. It was great to see him feel so much better. I didn't let him play to much so he wouldn't get to tired, but he sure had fun. He hasn't been drinking as much as I think he should be, but he never has drank a lot. He still hasn't pooped yet. So I'm guessing that's a good thing :rolleyes:

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Well, that sounds promising! Hope he continues to make progress! :D Scooter had a round of bad tummy troubles last year, and it brought new meaning to the phrases "One sick puppy" and "Sicker than a dog!" :rolleyes:

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So glad he bounced back. I was so worried there for awhile. So glad when you told me last night that his that zoomies are back.

Zoom on Blackjack my boy!:rolleyes:

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