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Jedi's 2nd time


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My continuing newbie adventures...If I don't talk about this stuff here, then I don't know where I'm going to because everyone else I know thinks I've lost it :rolleyes:


Yesterday we were able to work in a bigger area than where he took his instinct test. This time his attitude was night and day different. He snapped into work mode the second he saw those sheep. It was so much easier to work in a larger area. Our main focus seemed to be to get him to go out further away from the sheep. I guess it takes a while to learn that he can work them and have the same effect from a distance. We learned something new... how to walk the sheep to me. Sorry..I don't know all the terms yet. :D I had never said "walk" to Jedi before so I thought it would be hard for him BUT, I should know NEVER to underestimate a border collie because...of course...he got it :D

That'll do, however is going to take a little longer. :D


Even I did better this time and as a result had more fun with it. There is SO much to learn. I'm trying not to get overwhelmed and concentrate on learning a little each time. Right now I'm trying to learn when to give pressure and when not to and how much. Also I have to keep in mind that when I move, Jedi is automatically going to want to keep balance.


Is there anything you wish you had done differently or learned sooner when you were first starting out?


Thanks everyone!



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I guess I wish I could have started with slower and kinder sheep.


Cap and I got thrown directly into farm mode and had to learn to sort and work with ewes and lambs and rams, browse a loose flock, right off.


It would have been nice to work in a contained area with less agressive, dog broke sheep, to start off with anyway.


But Cap has got it figured out. I think he is smarter than me.


Gunny has lucked out.

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I wish I had known how to make sure my dog was feeling confidently in control all the time, and not keep taking the sheep away from him. How to trust my dog more.


Sounds like you are having a great time!

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I guess someday I'll find out what it's like without dog-broke sheep, but right now it's so good to be able to concentrate on my movements. These sheep are sooo easy I sometimes forget they're there, I'm so busy focusing on Jedi. I believe it's helping him build his confidence which is good. Yes I'm having a great time!

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G-so you guys got right out of the round pen, huh? :rolleyes: I have no advice to give, I'm still such a beginner myself, but I like hearing about your adventures. It sounds like you're both doing very well. Keep the updates coming! And pics, too.

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