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Well there I was just minding my own business searching through shelter listings for my next dog. Just a dog mind you...nothing special...I mean I've had dogs before and they never really changed my life. The word "border collie" hit the screen on the local spca website. Ok.. well I'll just drop on by and take a look....it's a collie right? Uhhh..Lassie? Then there he was..and if eyes could talk..what intensity. How could you not love a dog that looks at you calmly and through his eyes says "Ok mom, let's just go home because really this place is just not my thang :D I guess maybe some people would have preferred one of the squirrelly puppies that jump all over you and lick you but I liked the one that gave me the impression that you could go home with him and have a nice chat over coffee :D


Well since then it's been an interesting and educational journey that keeps taking me to places I would never have considered. So this is where I am now. On Saturday morning I am actually going to a nearby farm that has sheep, for my little guy to get his first lesson. If you knew me you'd know how hilarious this is :rolleyes: So please keep your fingers crossed for us around 10 am on Sat.


and...thanks for being there.



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Okay, it's a cliche, but welcome to the Dark Side.



I used to be quite the internationally traveling city girl...


So I finally got a facebook page and as a result have gotten back in touch with a bunch of old friends, many of whom I haven't really seen or spoken to in years. I was chatting with one of them who still lives in Manhattan the other day, and I told her I had to go because I was taking two of my dogs to go work stock. Now I'd already explained that my photo on the page was Taz herding sheep, but I guess she really didn't entirely understand what I was talking about because the following day, she asked me how the "Workstock event" was! :rolleyes::D

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So this is where I am now. On Saturday morning I am actually going to a nearby farm that has sheep, for my little guy to get his first lesson. If you knew me you'd know how hilarious this is :rolleyes:

Well, Georgia, your first go can not be worse than mine. Perhaps RDM can corroborate, as she was there, but it went down something like this:


Wick goes first, as she is a border collie. Wick eats poop. Looks briefly at sheep. Looks even more briefly at man holding stick. Decides that no amount of poop is worth facing man with stick (who is standing benignly near the sheep). End of Wick's turn.


Bear goes in, more on a lark than anything else. Bear eyes sheep. Sheep move. Bear goes around sheep. Kristi sees sheep coming, realizes for the first time how NOT like petting zoo lambs these sheep are. Kristi attempts to scale fence to get away from sheep. Man with stick starts waving stick violently at Kristi. Bear brings sheep to spot where Kristi is perched on fence. People are laughing.


Sadly, that was probably Bear's best gather. :D


Fast forward 6 years, and life as we knew it is pretty much gone. Most every weekend, we are doing something dog-related. My co-workers call it the "dog races" as in "Are you driving somewhere this weekend for the dog races?" It seems that most IT people don't much care to learn the differences between agility, flyball and stockwork, but at least they are polite enough to enquire. They do draw a line at me practicing whistles in the server room, but that's ok.


So good luck this weekend! I'm sure you'll have a ball!

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It seems that most IT people don't much care to learn the differences between agility, flyball and stockwork, but at least they are polite enough to enquire. They do draw a line at me practicing whistles in the server room, but that's ok.


That is hilarious...


Good luck Georgia - the cult is waiting for you! :rolleyes:

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*claps hands* Oh, Georgia, you're gonna be sunk! Hey, if Kristi can make it through that, you'll definitely survive.


(Thanks for the laugh, Kristi).


Angie will take good care of you and Jedi. Can't wait to hear about it, and I'll echo Laura's "welcome to the Dark Side"! :rolleyes:


Did I mention the pictures someone should take, too? We love pictures.

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I guess maybe some people would have preferred one of the squirrelly puppies that jump all over you and lick you but I liked the one that gave me the impression that you could go home with him and have a nice chat over coffee


Gotta love a dog like that! Hope things go great for you on Saturday :rolleyes:

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The first time I took Georgia it was like a flood light went on over her head. As soon as she realized she could make the stock move her expression said "Yes, this is it! Why have you waited so long to bring me here?!" The instructor started laughing and said he didn't know who was happier, me or Georgia. I was smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. Texi on the other hand wanted NOTHING to do with herding. He ate poop, he whined & cried and he climbed out of the pen. He's a mama's boy. And that's ok. :D


Seriously, I'm a city girl; but taking Georgia herding is probably one of the most enjoyable things I've ever taken part in. :rolleyes: She loves it so I love it.


Have a great time and wear rubber boots.

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Have a great time on Saturday I have taken Gypsy twice to "the sheep man" as I call him.It was a strangely unexpectedly Very enjoyable time for both of us .Gypsy instantly looked like she had been doing it all her life (never having seen sheep before) talk about that floodlight going off !I, a sort of farm girl turned towny ,(no sheep just dairy cows) had a floodlight go off and sheep man also said he couldnt tell who was happier.So go forth and enjoy and be prepared to run backwards alot !

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My co-workers call it the "dog races" as in "Are you driving somewhere this weekend for the dog races?" It seems that most IT people don't much care to learn the differences between agility, flyball and stockwork

:rolleyes:! I used to have similar conversations. Once I spent a good half hour explaining to an interested friend how I'd done at the weekend sheepdog trials, only to have her ask where how the dogs did on the weaving pole things. I told her they did great.


Have a great day learning about sheepdogs, Jedismom, and maybe it will be a life changing episode. It was for me- I also met my first real sheepdog in a city shelter, took him to a lesson or two, then a trial or two just to spectate, and now I'm living with a farmer, on a commercial wool/lamb farm with 25 sheepdogs and spending every free weekend at trials.

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There is nothing like it. When I first took Black Jack, or rather he took me :rolleyes: It was an amazing moment. Seeing him work like that. So natural and so confident. There isn't anything like it. I hope you have fun. Get ready for lots and lots of stock lessons in the future. Let me know how it goes.

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:rolleyes:! I used to have similar conversations. Once I spent a good half hour explaining to an interested friend how I'd done at the weekend sheepdog trials, only to have her ask where how the dogs did on the weaving pole things. I told her they did great.

At my last job, my office cubemate, bless her heart, did ask me to explain the different activities. Being an anal project manager, like me, she dutifully wrote down the following:


Agility = Doggy Obstacle course

Flyball = Doggy relay race

Herding = like Babe, no pig


Bear = Black dog, retired, sleeps

Wick = Agility, crazy, blue eye

Lou = Sheep, big head


On Monday, she would ask how the dogs did, consult her cheat sheet, nod with some satisfaction, and then send me an appropriate YouTube link or similar. :D She was the best office cube mate EVAH!

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My co-workers call it the "dog races" as in "Are you driving somewhere this weekend for the dog races?" It seems that most IT people don't much care to learn the differences between agility, flyball and stockwork, but at least they are polite enough to enquire. They do draw a line at me practicing whistles in the server room, but that's ok.


Oh my. Well, my stepmother INSISTS on calling it "goin sheepin" which absolutely drives me bonkers. My boyfriend insists on calling it that too (complete with eye roll) - just because he knows how much it irks me. Cracks me up when he does it. Makes me want to claw her eyes out when she does it.

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Thanks for all your well wishes for the journey to the darkside :D


Everyone I've mentioned this to today has given me a look like I'm off my rocker. Only one...my dear sister thought it sounded like fun.


I'll definitely take pictures and if I can manage it..a video. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions for ya'll afterwards :rolleyes:



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Well, I got sheep THEN the dog, so I think I'm even loonier... but what the hey! What's 100 sheep to mow the lawn?!


You know it's only called the "dark side" because whatever you're wearing get's "dark"er when you fall in sheep poop while trying to maintain balance running backwards trying to stay in front of the sheep your over-exuberant pushy dog is trying to run over the top of you, right?


Oh, wait. Is that just me? :rolleyes:


Have fun. Sheep are addictive.

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You'll have fun. I am not full fledged on the darkside because ... well, I can't afford it! but I think a lot about getting some pet sheep for my dog and getting my very own well bred working dog... ah, I could go on!


At the very least, you'll have fun! :rolleyes:

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