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Swifter warning


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Recently someone had to have their 5-year old German Shepherd dog put down due to liver failure. The dog was completely healthy until a few weeks ago, so they had a necropsy done to see what the cause was. The liver levels were unbelievable, as if the dog had ingested poison of some kind. The dog is kept inside, and when he's outside, someone's with him, so the idea of him getting into something unknown was hard to believe.


My neighbor started going through all the items in the house. When he got to the Swiffer Wetjet, he noticed, in very tiny print, a warning which stated "may be harmful to small children and animals."


He called the company to ask what the contents of the cleaning agent are and was astounded to find out that antifreeze is one of the ingredients (actually he was told it's a compound which is one molecule away from antifreeze).


Therefore, just by the dog walking on the floor cleaned with the solution, then licking its own paws, it ingested enough of the solution to destroy its liver. Soon after his dog's death, his housekeepers' two cats also died of liver failure. They both used the Swiffer - Wet jet for quick cleanups on their floors.


Necropsies weren't done on the cats, so they couldn't file a lawsuit, but he asked that we spread the word to as many people as possible so they don't lose their animals. This is equally harmful to babies and small children that play on the floor a lot and put their fingers in their mouths a lot.








Havent checked this out through Snopes, but thought it was worth posting

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Hey, Bill! Good to see you back on here. We missed you,


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Yep, my bad. My mom sent it and she usually does check things out with snopes before sending anything through to me. I figured she had with this, but I reckon not. I did let her know about it being a hoax, so she'd not send it to anyone else.

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