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The adorable evilness of Alex

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Alex feels that sleeping past 0300 is unheard of. I'm ok with 0430 or later. She has tried everything to convince me to get up. I can tell the difference between her I want to get up and mom I really gotta go. She has figured out to make sure I'm awake. When she's feeling particularly insistent, at about 0330 she will very gently stick her tongue in my nose. I'm sure she found this out by accident and not through any deviousness on her part. LOL. It does the job though I sit right up and then she showers me with kisses and cuddles. She's very hard to get mad at.

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This is so funny!

Skye has never been a morning person (did I say "person"? :rolleyes: ) We usually get up around 6 and leave to shuttle DH to work 45 minutes later. Skye has figured out that she doesn't actually have to come with us at this hour; she stays on the couch and doesn't even lift her head until I get back at around 7:30. Then she's ready to go. She's always been like this, even as a puppy. A real couch potato in the a.m.


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:rolleyes: Mine aren't usually early risers either. We've just had a week's break from work (school vacation) and they've really enjoyed their sleep-ins. My Kirra is really funny when we do have to get up early (4.30 sort of early) to travel to a tracking or agility trial. She stays in her bed for as long as possible, and you can just see her saying "I don't DO 4.30!" :D
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LOL Sam has recently been shocking me and allowing me to sleep in to the ever so late 8:30am. Normally it is Mommy must get up by no later than 6:50 ( I refuse to admit he has pulled a 4am on me). His way of getting me up ... nose in face, couple of good morning licks, and then pull bed covers off. Only defense when it is clearly not time to get up is make sure you never face the night stand, all covers must be firmed tucked under you and do NOT open your eyes or change your breathing pattern and no excessive tossing and turning trying to go back to sleep. I had to develop these defensives when I started waking with dawns early lights ( 3:30am to 4am ). Cold and snow on the ground just wakes a body all the way up when you got out for those potty calls. These defensives only work for me when I have these wee hours of the morning wake ups of mine. Apparently, I'm awake before him. And if I follow those simple rules I'm allowed to stay in bed and go back to sleep till regular up time. Should I mess up, I have to get on up.

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