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Guest Freckles LaLa Mom

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Ick! I hate ticks. I was rubbing Zeb's tummy recently when I felt what I thought was a scab, so I absentmindedly picked it off and took a look at it. It was a tick! I was so grossed out. They're just the ugliest things.

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

Ha, Danielle! 50+ is better than the nearly 200 I pulled of of Pepper when he flew in from Wisconsin and the probably 500+ I pulled off of the 5 Oklahoma dogs that all arrived at the same time. I was finding engorged ticks on the floors, in cracks & crevices, in crates after that ordeal. Lexi also came covered in these microscopic ticks (also from OK). The first night she was here I thought there were just a few so I stuck her in her crate and went to bed. In the morning there were 100+ teenie ticks in and around her crate. I promptly took her to the vet for a tick bath as these ticks were too tiny to pull off. So, I'm quite comfortable pulling ticks off now...but I still hate them.


OK is one of the worst places EVER for ticks. I had my dogs on K9 Advantix when I lived there and still had to scan them daily for ticks. If we went hiking I had to do a "tick check" after each trip and I pulled several off of each dog after those trips.

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I'm lucky. I haven't found any on Black Jack yet. WY is pretty good about ticks. We don't get to many, except up in the mountans.

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Yes, ticks are gross! Laredo, TX is also a place with a LOT of ticks. I had to check the dogs every night. But that wasn't the worst part....I had to check my husband also. :D With his work, he was always walking through the brush. One day, he had so many of them, I made him get undressed in the shower! :rolleyes: And he ended up with Lyme disease one year. Poor guy.

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I had to stop taking Jackson to one state park because he routinely came home with 100+ ticks from a day of hiking and playing. I pulled 25 or so off his head on the drive home (hadn't attached yet). *shudder*. I work outdoors, but luck for me I work on the water lol. I don't have to worry too much about ticks out there.

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Ahh, ticks bring back fond (NOT!) memories. I remember when we found Zeke at ~5-6wks old and was more tick than dog. There were actually CLUMPS of them stuck to each other and to him. He bore the scars for several years (his hair came in the wrong color in the places where he had the most severe tick bites). It took weeks to fix him up.....not to mention the piles and piles of worms he "deposited" everywhere.

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Another Tick-lish place is Eureka Springs, Arkansas, where I lived for half a year once. The White Mountains there are real pretty, but I couldn't believe the ticks. I had 50-60 little ones crawling up my legs after a casual stroll through a weedy lot. And every fence or old tree you lean against is infested with chiggers, too, which bother dogs as much as humans. I felt so sorry for the miserable hounds I saw there.


I can handle spiders, but ticks make me shudder, ick! I know there are some around here (far northern California), but they seem to be less of a problem at higher altitudes...



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north and central louisiana are full of ticks. southern doesn't have any because of the salt content or the marsh or whatever thank god.


i think the small ones you are talking about are the ones my grandma called "seed' ticks. they stack up in piles on weeds etc. and when u brush against them u become covered. thjere is a bush called laurel that will take them off if you break off a limb and swipe your leg with it. well it gets most of them.


chigger-----if u go fishing don't sit on a log!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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we have lots of ticks in the forest where i walk Badger, they are deer ticks. He always comes home with a couple, i have to wait till they are at a stage where i can pull them out, yuk!! he thought i was being nasty to him when i first started doing it and had a really hurt face on him :D so now i pull it out and have to show it too him :rolleyes: just so he knows what i have done, well really i think it just makes me feel better as it makes him jump, but i often wonder what point in life has a tick got :D

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