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Eko just ate my cell phone.

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I know it's my fault for even having it near him, but Grrrrrr.


Yes, that's true. I'm glad you realize that.


With that being said... :rolleyes::D:D Don't you just love puppies!! You might as well start developing that sense of humor now! There's more to come......

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My sister's 20-month-old human puppy just destroyed her laptop. He picked off a bunch of the keys, as well as much of the plastic and metal innards. In about fourteen seconds. It's apparently ruined, so she is just trying to salvage the hard drive. She yelled at him right when it happened--but really was angry with herself for leaving it open and in his vicinity when she couldn't give him 100% of her attention.


You know it's not really their fault, but you can't help being upset in the moment...


ETA: I forgot that Tazzy broke my laptop a couple of years ago. We were at a sheep festival doing a demo. I was trying to get some editing work done while waiting my turn to demonstrate the novice portion of the show. Well, Taz used to (er, let's be honest, still does) get really amped when he saw sheep being worked. He jumped up and landed on my computer screen, which slammed down backwards toward my shins. Completely broke the hinges, but it still worked if I held the screen up. Until he jerked me while on lead and I let go of the screen, causing it to crash down on the picnic table and crack the crystal.


I got a new computer and tried to think of it as Taz's gift to me :rolleyes:


Maybe you Eko was trying to encourage you to get a new iPhone?



I know it's my fault for even having it near him, but Grrrrrr.
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I'm glad you know it wasn't his fault. I'm sure he didn't get tired of seeing you use it and figure he'd chew on it.


Puppies chew, I guess it's part of the fun :rolleyes: Laugh, I have found that it makes it harder to stay mad at them.

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This might cheer you up.


The destroyed-by-dog cell phone count in my house is four. Four expensive cell phones. :D


And a laptop cord, a seatbelt (more expensive than you would think), and two sets of custom blinds.


All within the last year... and none of the dogs were puppies. :rolleyes:


ALL of those things getting destroyed was my fault for letting the dogs get those things.


I slip up a lot-- don't be like me! Learn to be careful! And train your dog! :D

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Recon destroyed my cell phone about two months ago. She has a hard-plastic fetish, it's odd. Only things she's ever chewed were a pair of headphones (the microphone off of it), the cell phone, a neosporin cap, and a bottle of lotion (the corner (hard) part of it, and the top).


I got lucky - the "nice" phone rep that I was talking to forgot to mute me and called me "crazy" as well as a "whiner who just wanted her way" and that I needed to "shut up and get over it". (I was insisting they give me an advertised price, even though it was an error. I had been told by a previous rep that that was fine.) Anyway, when she got back on the phone, I calmly and very politely asked for her name and ID number, she gave it, then I repeated what she had said and asked for her supervisor.


I got a free phone. Shipped overnight. Geez I love this dog.

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I got lucky - the "nice" phone rep that I was talking to forgot to mute me and called me "crazy" as well as a "whiner who just wanted her way" and that I needed to "shut up and get over it". (I was insisting they give me an advertised price, even though it was an error. I had been told by a previous rep that that was fine.) Anyway, when she got back on the phone, I calmly and very politely asked for her name and ID number, she gave it, then I repeated what she had said and asked for her supervisor.


I got a free phone. Shipped overnight. Geez I love this dog.


Way to go, Girl!! :rolleyes:

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Yep, your fault, sorry. It's a lesson learned, I bet you won't leave it where he can get to it again, will you? :rolleyes:


I can say that, because when Lil was younger, she ate my glasses twice. Uh, huh, twice. Now who isn't a quick learner?


This too shall pass. That's why they make puppies cute...so we don't kill them.

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Yup, this cell phone won't be the last thing cutsy Echo will chew from now on. My list of "lost to Ouzo objects" is large and diverse.


$100 new remote control fell pray to the sharp puppy teeth of 2 months old Ouzo - still works, but is heavily tooth-marked!


- silver & emerald bracelet - clasp broken - rendered unusable -needs to be fixed

- silver & onix watch - bracelet broken in two pieces - -needs to be fixed

- earings - too many to list, many silver, many beloved ones

- silver bracelet, very thinly and delicatly weaved - transformed in about 4-5 pieces which might take a puzzle expert jewler to reconstruct

- shoes

- T-shirts

- books - WHILE I WAS READING THEM, including a Stephen King and a James Mitchner (still don't know how those two books end :rolleyes: )

-many, many hair clasps. MANY!



I still love him to death and my mom just bought me a jewlery box from our recent trip to force me to keep my jewlery in it instead of simply slamming it on the nightstand when I go to bed at night, where Ouzo goes "shopping" for treasures.

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Yup, this cell phone won't be the last thing cutsy Echo will chew from now on. My list of "lost to Ouzo objects" is large and diverse.


$100 new remote control fell pray to the sharp puppy teeth of 2 months old Ouzo - still works, but is heavily tooth-marked!


- silver & emerald bracelet - clasp broken - rendered unusable -needs to be fixed

- silver & onix watch - bracelet broken in two pieces - -needs to be fixed

- earings - too many to list, many silver, many beloved ones

- silver bracelet, very thinly and delicatly weaved - transformed in about 4-5 pieces which might take a puzzle expert jewler to reconstruct

- shoes

- T-shirts

- books - WHILE I WAS READING THEM, including a Stephen King and a James Mitchner (still don't know how those two books end :D )

-many, many hair clasps. MANY!



I still love him to death and my mom just bought me a jewlery box from our recent trip to force me to keep my jewlery in it instead of simply slamming it on the nightstand when I go to bed at night, where Ouzo goes "shopping" for treasures.


Me thinks you have too much jewlery!! :D He was just trying to maintain your supply. :rolleyes:

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hohohoh.. ouzo is the other jewellery eating dog i know.. and the first is a beagle. sometimes i think beagles are worse though... i actually heard horror stories cos the good thing about bcs is that they grow out of it.. but beagles don't.


and the beagle i know.. ate diamonds (twice).. luckily they came out from the other end.. and bras...

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Oh yes. *sigh* The electronics eaters.


Zeeke ate 3 - 3! - remote controls for our TV (before we got him a crate).


Zoe chewed my laptop cord I think 4 times. I'm just very glad those aren't *too* expensive to replace.


No cell phones, thankfully.

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Could be worse. My sister just lost her cell phone to her grandcat. Puss didn't chew it - she drowned it in vomit. :rolleyes: While it was sitting on the kitchen counter. :D


I'd rather lose electronics to the jaws of destruction than have them disappear in a pile of cat yack. :D

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A girl lost her cell phone at the shelter a few weeks back when she was looking at the animals. So we had her call it to see if we could hear it ring, but we couldn't find it. Then she informed us that the ringer sounded like a cat :rolleyes: I gave her the "What the?" look and said, well that helps. She found it.........in a pile of dog poop :D:D

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My house definately got cleaner when I got Gus. He was a little shark puppy for a while, I had to stock up on bully sticks and very yummy appropriate chews to keep him occupied. Are you crate training? That helped me when I couldn't watch him. I was so mad at myself when I left my new leather shoes in the living room- puppies love leather.


You might do like you would if you were baby proofing a house. Crawl around on the floor and look for anything that you would be able to get a hold of. Anytime you pup starts finding something not approprieate to chew, give him something that is, and praise him. I would make an 'ehh-ehh' sound, very loud an clear if he would return to the forbidden item, give him the good toy and praise him. Bc's are smart, they just need to know how to make you happy.

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All Shadow eats is the furniture, the wall, the cupboard, the windowsill.. and my crocs! :rolleyes: Dad left the door open to the porch and all of my pairs of precious comfy crocs got covered in teeth marks *sigh* Least she left the expensive shoes alone :D She used to chew cords, but a little hot sauce fix that!

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