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Back from Scotland

Guest Carol Campion

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Guest Carol Campion

Hi Melanie


Scotland was wonderful! This is my 4th trip over and I get more and more comfortable each time! For anyone that loves sheep and the BC, it is a must to go over. To see the vast fields and open space with sheep just everywhere certainly changed my view of Border Collies and their development and purpose!


The International was great. That is the first one I have seen. The sheep were fairly light but difficult at the pen and shed. Many of us and our dogs have never experienced handling sheep like this. They wouldn't go through panels, were pretty light around the course, but then wouldn't pen—needed some power at the pen plus finness and of course good handling. There were a couple of incredible International sheds—one by Richard Milichp, another by Johnny Wilson and one by Michawl Shearer.


I got to visit many new people to see lots of farms and dogs.


Just a great time!

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